hey guys and gals,

i'm using a list with an itemRenderer to show a list of activities in our LMS. 
the list has its dataProvider set to use XML retrieved from the backend:

<itemRenderers:ActivityListItemRenderer id="mainActivityList" 
dataProvider="{this.learningDesignXML.Activity}" />

inside the declaration of the ActivityListItemRenderer, there is this:

<mx:List xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
        width="100%" height="100%" paddingBottom="0" paddingTop="0" 
paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0"
        itemRenderer="{new ArgumentsToRendererFactory({}, 
        variableRowHeight="true" useRollOver="false"  horizontalCenter="0" 
verticalAlign="middle" selectable="false">

now... you can see that the itemRenderer is specified here. this itemRenderer 
has three important children who have the data passed to them through binding. 
looks like this:

<mx:ViewStack id="activityViewStack" resizeToContent="true">
                <itemRenderers:SimpleActivityState id="simpleActivityState" 
data="{data} "/>
                <itemRenderers:ComplexActivityState id="complexActivityState" 
data="{data}" />
id="branchingActivityState" data="{data}" />

for some reason, when data changes in the list, the dataChange event is caught 
in the itemRenderer itself. however, its children who have this same data bound 
to them, don't catch the dataChange event when it is changed.

why? any ideas?


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