
    I am trying to upload files to share.adobe.com using the share apis. But on 
uploading the file I am getting the following error IOErrorEvent type="ioError" 
bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2038"

In Charles I am getting 'No request was made. Possibly certificate rejected' 
error. I don't see any data being send to api.share.acrobat.com. 
I am calling FileReference.upload() method to upload the file.

Please see the bellow code snippet with which I am uploading

//Starts here
public function putFile(authead:String): void
                var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
                request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;        
                var requestBody : XML =    <request>
                request.data = new URLVariables();
                request.data.request = requestBody.toXMLString();
                request.url = 
// authead WILL have authentication data.
               catch(erro :Error)
//Ends here
fr is a FileReference object. 

I tried accessing the same URL with HTTPService object and it sends the request 
correctly and get the data back from the server. I am able to post the request 
to (https://api.share.acrobat.com/webservices/api/v1/dc/?"+authead) using HTML 
form also.

Please help me to resolve this issue.


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