How do I access the sprite/movieClip instance (not sure which it is in
the image class) of an image loaded into image tag and then pass that to
an actionscript method?

        Basically, I have a repeater that loads dynamic images (based on
XML data) into an <mx:Image> tag.  That works fine.  I also have a
Reflection class  (I'm making it AS 3.0 compliant) which applys a
reflection effect to a movie clip's bitmap data, which also works fine
outside of Flex .  However in Flex, I know how to import the class, but
not how to tie the rendering of the different dynamic images in my MXML
with the Reflection class.  I read the help docs on mx.controls.image,
and it seems like the image might be loaded into a sprite instance, but
how to I send that sprite instance to my actionscript method right after
the image loads?  
        Any ideas?  Thanks.

        Jason Merrill 
        Bank of America
        Learning & Organizational Effectiveness 

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