So in my Flex 3 project I have an ArrayCollection, like this:

private var myDataProvider:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(
                {country:"Apple", quantity:5},
                {country:"Pear", quantity:3},
                {country:"Banana", quantity:7},

This is the dataprovider for another visual component (this is not the
actual data, I've simplified it for the sake of clarity in asking this
question).  I have some checkboxes that I want to use to toggle elements
in and out of the arrayCollection, thus changing what's shown in the
visual component which is bound by databinding.  I thought about just
having a visual property in the dataprovider, but then found out I
cannot access display list items in this third party chart component I
am using, so the only way to change what is shown in the chart component
is to change what's contained in the array collection.

My question is, while I can think of ways to do this (adding and
removing elements in the ArrayCollection), but they all involve some
pretty ugly Actionscript.   Is there a good way to handle this, but keep
my data intact?  How would you use checkboxes to toggle data in and out
of the ArrayCollection elegantly?


Jason Merrill
Bank of America   <<Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)>>
Instructional Technology & Media   *   GCIB & Staff Support L&LD

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