Greetings All!

For years I've sought out ways to achieve RIAs combined with the reality of rapid development and high pressure deadlines. This became a reality for me when Flex was released, and I have been championing its cause ever since.

Flex is near and dear to my heart, and more importantly so is the community. In my own little way to support the community I put together a sort of "Flex Cookbook" called CFLEX to aggregate all the little tidbits of knowledge that were floating around there. My goals are to increase the size of the community by lowering the barrier to entry; so however or wherever that knowledge lay, I've been either hosting it or just linking to it.

The ultimate goal of course is to make it completely community driven. I've taken that one step further by putting in the extra time to make that happen. You can now log into, and shortly after creating an account you'll have the ability to post content. So for those of you who do not have Blogs, you are welcome to share your knowledge at CFLEX. Those of you that do, and create a "here's how to..." posting, feel free to add link from CFLEX to that particular posting.

It goes beyond postings of course. As portal of sorts I'd like to list your publicly available Flex Apps, Components, Job Postings, User Groups, Consulting companies that specialize in Flex, Training programs, other Flex knowledge sites like, as well as the leading experts and their blogs.

Suggestions are welcome!

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