So I am trying to cut a DisplayObject (DO) into bitmapdata chunks that are 
roughly 1000 by 1000 pixels. When I get the initial bounds of the DO I they are 
x=-396, y0, w=1110, h=1633.

I think the x of -396 is throwing me off. Plus, I feel like I am fighting 
myself on the Matrix vs. Rectangle in the 
hugeBmp.draw(DO, mtrx, null, null, rec, false );

If I do this mtrx.translate( initRecX, initRecY ); all is fine it works.
(the above is moving the DO to x=0 and y=0 when it grabs the bitmapdata).

But I also need to scale via mtrx.scale( .5, .5), which is where things stop 

I need to slide over via translate then scale down the section of DO I am 
trying to grab a snapshot of.

Any ideas or examples out there?


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