I was wondering if anyone can recommend the best strategy for
including external swf and png assets in multiple projects?  

Currently, we have an assets folder with 200 icons some swf's (created
in Flash some with animations some without) and some png's that we use
in our current Flex app. We want to create a library of some sort so
we can share this library with all projects so they all point to the
one library.  

Would it be better to throw all these in one large SWF file and then
use SWFLoader, Symbol anytime we want to use them in Flex? Or is there
a better solution? I see one issue in that if we ever want to update a
swf or make changes we need to go into Flash to do so, which, if  a
mistake is made to the original FLA, could possibly cause issues for
all other symbols in the library.

I am thinking we might, in the future, be pushing this library to the
users computer as Local Library.

Any comments?

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