I've got to be missing something simple here...  I've spent hours trying
to figure out why my "lastresult" is not getting set my remote call.


I define an object to fill in the input variables:


private var objSearchControl:Tblbrowserrecord = new Tblbrowserrecord();


Then I make the call to the php object:


protected function


      // assign variables to object

objSearchControl.szUserID = tiUserID.text;

objSearchControl.szIP =  tiIP.text;

objSearchControl.szRule = tiRule.text; 

objSearchControl.szURL =  tiURL.text;

objSearchControl.dtFrom = dfFrom.text;

objSearchControl.dtTo = dfTo.text;

objSearchControl.szReturnCode = tiCode.text; 


getTblbrowserrecord_search_pagedResult.token =



I'm able to "test" the object successfully from FB4; it returns the data
set I'm expecting.


When I watch getTblbrowserrecord_search_pagedResult, the "lastresult"
remains "undefined".


Any ideas?

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