
I am working with sessions and authentication for the first time. 
I need assistance with using FlexContext to read the session attributes and 
user Information. I want to know, how and from where FlexContext gets the 
session information from? I have a flex login page, the user id and password 
are submitted via URLVariables - j_username and j_password. The Tomcat 
validates it, using custom JDBCRealm. I now want to capture this user 
information as well as the session details, such that it is accessible at both 
the Flex as well as the Java side. I have a java class, in which I am trying to 
access the HttpServletRequest object and FlexSession object, by doing something 
like this - 

HttpServletRequest req = FlexContext.getHttpRequest();
FlexSession session = FlexContext.getFlexSession();

But both of these throw NullPointerException.

Any pointers on how to resolve this issue, would be highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,

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