Is anyone out there using the feature of LCDS that allows you to  
refresh a managed collection (see below)?  I am able to get the  
collection to refresh, but I can't seem to get any of the event  
handlers to fire, thus I can't listen for the result of the fill using  
(myDataService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT,handleResult). I  
have traced the result in my logs and I know I am attaching the  
listener to the correct dataService.  I am wondering if this is a  
known bug or if it's something I am doing wrong.

I am interested if anyone is having the same problem.  Thanks, Kevin

      * Refreshes an array collection previously filled with the fill  
method or managed as
      * a managed association.  This method makes a request to the  
server, fetches the new
      * version of any resident items in the collection using the fill  
parameters original used
      * with this collection or by fetching the property from the  
parent item.
      * If any changes are found, they merged into the collection in  
an incremental fashion.
      *  @return AsyncToken You can use this token to register one or  
more callback
      *            functions to receive result or fault events from  
this refresh operation.
      *            Null is returned if there is nothing to refresh for  
a paged collection.
      *            This token is also returned in the <code>call</ 
code> property of
      *            the <code>ResultEvent.RESULT</code> or in the
      *            <code>FaultEvent.FAULT</code>.
      *            Custom data can be attached to this object and  
inspected later
      *            during the event handling phase.
     public function  

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