Using a simple two tab TabNavigator, two modules are loaded via 
ModuleManager.load.  A bitmap is being generated for each tab as a preview to 
what content exists on each tab.

The first visible tab displays the bitmap normally.  The second tab (not yet 
clicked on or shown) bitmap comes up empty as it would appear as if it hasn't 
rendered yet.

The creationPolicy for all the associated containers is set to "all".  

Clicking on the second tab instantly shows the content as expected.

Is there a manual method to forcing the second tab to render itself so that the 
preview bitmap can be generated without having to click on the second tab?

As a side-solution, if each tab (3 tabs in this scenario) are selected 
programmatically for one second, will that force a render to occur even though 
the next programmatically selected tab (tab three) has also been selected?


first tab is visible
second tab is programmatically selected
wait 1 second
third tab is programmatically selected

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