Hi Guys
I displayed data in 2 lists (A and B) using HTTP service. I need to
move data from one list to another. I already implemented the easier
way (the drag and drop). However I need to implement the same
functionality if user clicks on ADD button and remove button. If user
clicks on 'Add' Button the selected List from A needs to be removed
from A and added to B. And if user clicks on Remove the selected items
from List B needs to be removed from B and added to A. I implemented
the following code but it is not working. Can anyone fix this code for
me or let me know where I am messing it up.
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance for your help

                        private var cameraPoolList:Array=new Array();
                        private var devicesInList:Array=new Array();
 private function addToAssociatedDevices(evt:MouseEvent):void
                var _addDevicesLen:int=devicesInList.length;
                var _addToAssociatedDevicesArr:Array=new
                for(var i:*=0;i<_addDevicesLen-1;i++)

<mx:List id="nvrsInPoolList" allowMultipleSelection="true"
dragMoveEnabled="true" dragEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true" y="105"
x="17" height="462" width="294"/>
<mx:List id="camerasInPoolList" allowMultipleSelection="true"
horizontalScrollPolicy="on" dragMoveEnabled="true" dragEnabled="true"
dropEnabled="true" width="265" height="462" y="105" x="385" />
        <mx:Button x="322" y="237" label="Add" id="_addButton"

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