08/07/2008 05:29:00 AM New Messages

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I've got a ColumnChart. In it I've extended the grid to add code to
its updateDisplayList(). At the end of that method I want to notify
another custom BackgroundElement that it should draw itself as well.
This other custom BackgroundElement, which is extended from
CartesianDataCanvas, is in front of the grid in the z-order.

I'm initially looking to learn why my custom Background element
(extended from CartesianDataCanvas) doesn't have its
updateDisplayList() called by default. Is there a property that I'm
not aware of that would force the layout code to call its
updateDisplayList()?  I was surprised that it wasn't being called.

If the above can't be made to happen, I'm looking for ideas on how I
can have the grid notify the CartesianDataCanvas to draw itself, but
WITHOUT that action then causing the grid to be invalidated, forcing
it to then redraw itself, in an unending cycle.

Any info or pointers to information would be most appreciated.


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