
I have a prototype of this feature which can be found in the following link.
This component extends from NumericStepper. You can achieve currency /
number formatting in by setting the format property to CurrencyFormatter ot


HTH, Thanks

On 3/12/07, beancounter2222 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Someone posted last Sep. asking about a NumericStepper that could
have e.g. currency formatting - I wonder if anyone has solved this.

I could create a custom control from whole cloth or use the hack
someone's posted elsewhere of overlaying a read-only text field and
swapping on click, but would love it if someone had a custom
NumericStepper that let me have a text field (in addition to numeric
value) that was used for display, and let me apply a Formatter of my
choice to it. Or, if someone's found a way to do this with the
standard NumericStepper. I need both currency and % formatting.

Alternatively, a way to achieve the NumericStepper-style validation
constraint behavior with a standard text field would be workable - I
don't absolutely need the stepper controls, but I do need a field
that, like NumericStepper, simply does not accept invalid input
(outside a specified numeric range). Because, I want to KISS and
never have bad data bound to my client-side domain model.

Thanks in advance.

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