I'm trying to build a Flex File Manager (based on CFFM) and I'm using
a web service to do all the work (rather than remoting).. I haven't
done the web service thing in a while so I'm a little rusty - on the
flex side, that is.

Here's my MXML for the service:

<mx:WebService id="ws"
        <mx:operation name="init" result="initResult(event)"
        <mx:operation name="getDirectory" result="getDirectoryResult(event)"

WHen I run ws.init(), I get a kind of generic web service error.

Request implements version: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/,
Response implements version null

I don't know what's going on here.  I googled the error result and
there were zero results.

I can load the WSDL just fine.  I can call the methods via http GET
just fine, they return the expected results.

Can anyone offer some help here?



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