Is there a way to indicate 'includes' to include a folder of classes
instead of listing each one separately?

What I want: -includes 'source.classes.*' This gives me an error,
which leads me to believe that the compiler doesn't allow the *
operator as a wildcard.  This forces me to do this: -includes
'source.classes.class1' 'source.classes.class2'
'source.classes.class3'. (Is a mass include possible?)  This seems
like it could be a pain to update so I looked into putting the classes
I wanted into a SWC file.

I then created a library project in Flex Builder, put my desired
classes in there, and compiled them into a SWC.  I then included this
into my project using the 'include-library' option, and my problem was
solved.  However, the SWC I generated is 322,208KB and the SWF from my
main project is 225,261KB.  A small number classes amounting to a few
KB were included in the SWC but it is 322,208KB.  Is Flex 2 including
all the dependencies from the Flex framework in this SWC?  Also, why
is my project SWF file smaller than the SWC file?

If anyone could share their knowledge about this I would greatly
appreciate it.

Thanks in advance! :-)

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