--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "donvoltz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for your help. I do not know why I thought updating a text
> field would automatically update the VO object. Your help is greatly
> appreciated. One more quick question about this, what is the best
> practice, to add the text fields to the value object when the form is
> submitted (button clicked) or to set up individual functions once each
> text field is changed?? I presented just a small portion of my form,
> in actuality I have about 35 fields that will contain user information

This is really strange.  I have pretty much exactly the same as you, 
where I have a ContactDetails object that has a firstName property that 
is bound to a textInput field's text property, and when I type into the 
field, it sets exactly as intended.  My class structure is that 
ContactDetails has a constructor that inits all the properties.  The 
firstName property has both a getter and setter, and it is of a data 
type that is also a custom class, DataItem.  DataItem has a constructor 
that sets it up with default values, and each property has a getter and 

Here are my classes in case you find them useful:

package com.magnoliamultimedia.vo
        public class ContactDetails
                import com.magnoliamultimedia.vo.DataItem;
                private var _fn:DataItem;//first name
                private var _ln:DataItem;//last name
                private var _country:DataItem;
                private var _eMail:DataItem;
                private var _phone:DataItem;
                private var _aff:DataItem;//affiliation
                private var _more:DataItem;
                private var _allValid:Boolean;
                public function ContactDetails(fn:String='', 
ln:String='', c:String='', e:String='', p:String='', aff:String='', 
                        _fn=new DataItem(fn, 3, 50, true);              
                        _ln=new DataItem(ln, 3, 50, true);              
                        _country=new DataItem(c, 3, 50, true);  
                        _eMail=new DataItem(e, 3, 50, 
true, 'EMailValidator');        
                        _phone=new DataItem(p, 7, 50);
                        _aff=new DataItem(aff, 0, 50);
                        _more=new DataItem(m, 0, 255);
                public function get firstName():*{
                        return _fn;
                public function set firstName(s:*):void{
                        if (s is String){
                                _fn.value = s;
                        } else if (s is DataItem){
                        } else {
                                trace('invalid type at firstname');
                public function get lastName():*{
                        return _ln;
                public function set lastName(s:*):void{
                        if (s is String){
                                _ln.value = s;
                        } else if (s is DataItem){
                        } else {
                                trace('invalid type at lastname');
                public function get country():*{
                        return _country;
                public function set country(s:*):void{
                        if (s is String){
                                _country.value = s;
                        } else if (s is DataItem){
                        } else {
                                trace('invalid type at country');
                public function get eMail():*{
                        return _eMail;
                public function set eMail(s:*):void{
                        if (s is String){
                                _eMail.value = s;
                        } else if (s is DataItem){
                        } else {
                                trace('invalid type at eMail');
                public function get phone():*{
                        return _phone;
                public function set phone(s:*):void{
                        if (s is String){
                                _phone.value = s;
                        } else if (s is DataItem){
                        } else {
                                trace('invalid type at phone');
                public function get aff():*{
                        return _aff;
                public function set aff(s:*):void{
                        if (s is String){
                                _aff.value = s;
                        } else if (s is DataItem){
                        } else {
                                trace('invalid type at affiliation');
                public function get more():*{
                        return _more;
                public function set more(s:*):void{
                        if (s is String){
                                _more.value = s;
                        } else if (s is DataItem){
                        } else {
                                trace('invalid type at more');
                public function allValid():Boolean{
                        //assume valid
                        _allValid = true;
                        //check each property for valid
                        if (!_fn.isValid){_allValid=false}
                        if (!_ln.isValid){_allValid=false}
                        if (!_country.isValid){_allValid=false}
                        if (!_eMail.isValid){_allValid=false}
                        if (!_phone.isValid){_allValid=false}
                        return _allValid;

package com.magnoliamultimedia.vo
        public class DataItem extends Object
                        private var _value:String;
                        private var _minLength:int;
                        private var _maxLength:int;
                        private var _isRequired:Boolean;
                        private var _vType:String;
                        private var _isValid:Boolean;
                        public function DataItem(v:String, mn:int=-1, 
mx:int=-1, rq:Boolean=false, vt:String='StringValidator'){
                        public function toString():String{
                                return _value;
                        public function get value():String{
                                return _value;
                        public function set value(v:String):void{
                                _value = v;
                                //if string length goes to 0 and this 
                                //not a required property, it is 
                                if (v.length==0){
                        public function get minLength():int{
                                return _minLength;
                        public function set minLength(m:int):void{
                                _minLength = m;
                        public function get maxLength():int{
                                return _maxLength;
                        public function set maxLength(m:int):void{
                                _maxLength = m;
                        public function get isRequired():Boolean{
                                return _isRequired;
                        public function set isRequired(r:Boolean):void{
                                _isRequired = r;
                        public function get validatorType():String{
                                return _vType;
                        public function set validatorType(v:String):void
                                _vType = v;
                        public function get isValid():Boolean{
                                return _isValid;
                        public function set isValid(b:Boolean):void{
                                _isValid = b;

I have a function that then automatically validates these controls with 
validators I've set up in MXML:

private function dataItemFocusOut(di:DataItem, e:Event):void{
                        var result:ValidationResultEvent;
                        if (di.validatorType=='StringValidator'){
                                var sV:StringValidator=sValidator;
                                result = sV.validate
                        } else if (di.validatorType=='EMailValidator'){
                                var eV:EmailValidator=eValidator;
                                eV.listener = e.currentTarget;
                                eV.required = di.isRequired;
                                result = eV.validate
                        } else {
                                trace('this code doesn\'t provide a 
validator of type "'+di.validatorType+'".');
                                var dontValidate:Boolean=true;
                        if (result.type==ValidationResultEvent.VALID){
                        } else if (!dontValidate) {
                        if (nav.selectedIndex==0){

and my validateContactDetails function looks like this:

private function validateContactDetails():void  {
                        if (contactDetails.allValid()){
                                //enable next tab in TabNavigator
                                trace('all valid');
                        } else {
                                trace('not all valid');

If these do work for you, please let me know, because I spent hours 
getting to this point.  It would be nice to know those hours went to 
help someone else.  Somehow it would seem more worth ti :-).



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