I have had a cursory look at the example code.

Your first problem will not be easy to accomplish. It looks like you will need 
to modify the generateLayout function in DragTile.as.

I did not look into this further. I recommend you study the code to see how it 
works and read all the articles at the link you mentioned. This code is not for 
the beginner to tackle.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "flexas3dev" <lea.sab...@...> wrote:
> Hello 
> I need help to use the dragtile component
> http://kuwamoto.org/2007/05/15/making-the-world-better-via-refactoring-step-1/
> You can download the source code here 
> http://examples.kuwamoto.org/DragTile/DragTile_step1.zip
> And just import this into flex project 
> using the flex sdk 2.0.1 hotfix 3
> Play with that and if you have time to help me it will be great 
> here are my 2 questions
> 1)  I need on the second VBOX to have a horizontalScrollbar and no vertical
> I tried to comment out the horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF; on the 
> FlexibleContainer.as
> and also to change the VBOX by an HBOX but it's not working
> 2) for each of my items I need to add a rollover event which do a scale 
> animation of the items
> so I added
> DisplayObject(renderer).addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,dragOver);
> DisplayObject(renderer).addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT,mouseOut);
> I added this two lines  on the FlexibleContainer  line 143 into the 
> commitProperties function in the for loop
> but its doing some wierd behaviour :(
> I would appreciate your help
> Thanks in advance

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