You can use Capabilities.language to get the local language.

You don't have to bundle your resources directly into the application.
You can use resource modules to externalize the bundles into separate
swfs and load the required one at runtime based on the user's language.

The documentation on resource bundles is very good:

--- In, "vipinck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have a flex app which is going to be distributed around the globe.
> We are looking for a localization solution, in which flash can detect
> the language (any method) and send the language code to server, and
> server will return back the display text. I know I can use the Flex's
> localization API, in which we have to bundle the language resources
> with Flex app.
> Is there any way to detect the local language from the flex app and
> send a message to server?
> -Vipin

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