Have you tried using an AsyncToken?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Sells, Fred" <fred.sells@...> wrote:
> I'm using Flex 4.1 with a django backend.  Django provides a really
> useful HTML error traceback when it fails.  Currently I then have to
> manually insert the offending url into the browser url to see the error
> details when debugging.  That's a pain.   I would like to subclass
> HttpService to provide a generic automatic solution, but I'm having
> trouble.
> My typical pattern is
> Var parms:Object = new Object()
> Parms.a=3
> Parms.b=4
> MyHttpService.url = "http://yadda.yadda.yadda/root/function";
> MyHttpService.send(parms)
> When the faultHandler is called I would like to do something like this
> navigateToURL( new URLRequest(
> Configure.getServer()+'getpdf?id='+parms.id+"&resid="+parms.resid ) ); 
> but I cannot find a way to get the parms back from the HttpService in
> order to create the URLRequest string.  I've tried the
> MyHttpService.request object but that "appears" to be empty.  It won't
> expand in debugger view and a for loop does not iterate through it.
> Can anyone offer a suggestion?
> Thanks,
> Fred.

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