Create a proper ItemRenderer which will render your labels and use 

--- In, "veritech82" <j...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
>   I am trying to print a series of pages of labels in AIR.  
> I have a single page working where I have a VBox component with a tilelist.
> My main code creates a new FlexPrintJob, adds the printview and adds the 
> tilelist array collection to the printview and sends the job
>  // Create a PrintJob instance.
>         private function doPrint():void {
>               var TileListdp:ArrayCollection;
>               currentnum = int(txt_startnum.text);    
>                 // Create an instance of the FlexPrintJob class.
>               var printJob:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
>             // Start the print job.
>             if (printJob.start() ){
>               for (var i:int=1; i<=but_numpages.value; i++) {
>                       var thePrintView:MyPrintView = new MyPrintView();
>                       this.addChild(thePrintView);
>                       TileListdp = new ArrayCollection(createlist());
>                       thePrintView.tilelistprint.dataProvider = TileListdp;
>                       printJob.addObject(thePrintView,"ShowAll");
>               }
>               printJob.send();
>               removeChild(thePrintView);
>             } 
>         }
> As a single page it works, as multipage it doesn't.  All examples that I have 
> seen use the PrintDataGrid which doesn't support using tilelists.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks

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