I had to do something similar and used an approach that looks
something like this

public function CustomObject(argsObject:Object)
{   for (var arg:String in argsObject)
    {   switch (arg)
        {   case somePropName:
               //code for a property that needs special handling
            case aStringProp:
            case anotherStringProp:
               // code for props that need type checking
               if (argsObject[arg] is String)
               { this[arg] = argsObject[arg];
               { //handle type error
            case aProp:
            case anotherProp:
               // code for propS that doesn't need type checking
               this[arg] = argsObject[arg];
               //handle properties that aren't in the custom obj

In my case 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Thomas Viktil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm building a class which has a constructor that is supposed to
fill the
> properties of the class based on the content of the object submitted
to the
> constructor. To better explain, here's how it is supposed to work:
> var argsObj:Object = new Object();
> argsObj.property1 = "hello";
> var myObject:customObject = new customObject(argsObj);
> customObject has a property called property1, and so does argsObj.
> Now, the question is; how can I, in a simple way, put what ever is
in the
> argsObj in the correct place in my customObject? What will the
> look like?
> Should I use setter functions, og set the property directly
(this.property =
> arg)? I can see the advantage of using setter's. I could easily
sense if one
> property is not of the correct type, and then do something. But,
maybe I can
> to that in the constructor?
> This wasn't easy to explain, but I hope you understand.
> Regards
> Thomas Viktil

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