Use an AsyncToken to "tag" the requests using the data property. When a result 
comes in check the AsyncToken data property to see which one has come in.

--- In, "txakin" <txakin@...> wrote:
> Hi all, I'm having some problems with the asynchronous in Flex using
> RemoteObject to communicate with the Java side to get some information.
>     * First of all, let me explain what i'm doing:
> I have developed a search component to allow the user to find stored
> documents by name, content or both in some folders. The component has 2
> panels:
>     1. Filter: The properties to filter are a keyword and a list of
> folders
>     2. Result: Per each folder selected by the user, will display a
> datagrid with the documents stored in.
> When the user fill the filter and click the Search button, automatically
> i send one request to the Java side per each selected folder (if the
> user has selected 3 folders, will send 3 requests to the server using
> RemoteObject)
> I'm retrieving 3 ResultEvents, but in randomly order, and sometimes the
> result of the search are not correct because of this. The result of each
> responses is the dataprovider of the different DataGrids.
> Here i put some of my code (in my example, this delegate class will be
> instantiated3 times, one per selected folder)
> public class SearchDelegate {
> public var remoteObject:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject();
> public function findDocuments(urlEndpoint:String, keyword:String,
> folder:String):void {
>              try {
>                  remoteObject.endpoint = urlEndpoint;
>                 remoteObject.destination = "searchService";
>                  remoteObject.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT,
> onFindDocumentsSuccess);
>                  remoteObject.findBasic(keyword, folder);
>              } catch (error:Error) {
> ErrorMgr.getInstance().raiseError(ErrorMgr.APPLICATION_ERROR, error);
>              }
> }
> public function onFindDocumentsSuccess(event:ResultEvent):void {
>             remoteObject.removeEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT,
> onFindDocumentsSuccess);
>              var documents:ArrayCollection = event.result;
>              dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new SuccessEvent(ticket,
> SuccessEvent.SUCCESS, false, true, documents));
> }
> }
>     * My question is: How can i solved this problem? Is any way to match
> the different requests with the real responses. In my case looks like
> the responses are overwritten between them (for example: i should have 3
> different results, but in many cases i have only 2 results, because one
> response has overwritten one of the others). I know i can do it
> synchronous, but in my case i want only in ASYNCHRONOUS way
>     * The other things about my program are working correctly, please
> only focus in the asynchronous problem.
> Thanks so much in advanced for your help.

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