problem solved using textfield and textformat objects. 

here are the modifications :

this.elementText = new TextField();     
textFormat = new TextFormat();
var conteneur : UIComponent = new UIComponent();

for the curious ones, a textfield must be added to a uicomponent before adding 
it to a canvas, as canvas only accept uicomponents.

--- In, "ouaqa" <abenef...@...> wrote:
> Hello fellow flexcoders.
> I'm stuck at a critical point while developing my application.
> Here's the context :
> A user can add and style text to a postcard (being a Canvas).
> The text can then be modified and rotated.
> The rotation is handled by a library performing well on pictures.
> The text is a UITextField object, the style is a TextFormat Object.
> Both are handled in a global container (extending the Canvas class).
> The fonts are embedded in a font library.
> On creation, it seems that the font is not loaded (the text is still shown 
> with the usual boring police). Therefore , the font is not embedded and 
> rotation makes the text disappear.
> I'm not sure what my problem exactly is, and this is why I'm calling for your 
> help & knowledge.
> bellow is the definition of the font library :
> [Bindable]
> public final class FontsLibrary
> {
> //    public static var fontLib : Array = new Array(); doesn't work
>       /**
>        * The verdana font from the assets library
>        */
>       [Embed(source="../assets/fonts/verdana.TTF" , fontName="verdana" , 
> mimeType='application/x-font-truetype')]
>       public static var verdana:Class;
>       //assigning font to static attribute
> //    public static var verdana : FontAsset = new LCVerdana ();
> //    fontLib.push (verdana) ;
> .....
> Bellow is the constructor of my text element
> public function LCTextElementField( AText : String = "" , AColor : int = -1 , 
> ASize : int = -1)
> {
>       super();
>       var afont : Font = new FontsLibrary.RAVIE();
>       this.elementText = new UITextField();   
>       textFormat = new TextFormat();
>       if (AColor != -1)
>       { this.textFormat.color = AColor ; }
>       if (ASize != -1)
>       { this.textFormat.size = ASize ; }
>       else
>       { this.textFormat.size = 30 ; }
>       this.textFormat.font = afont.fontName; 
>       this.elementText.defaultTextFormat = textFormat ;
>       this.elementText.embedFonts = true;
>       this.elementText.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; 
>       this.elementText.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED ;
>       if (AText == "" )
>       { this.elementText.text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"; }
>       else
>       { this.elementText.text = AText ; }
> this.addChild(this.elementText);                              
> }
> As you can see the code is pretty basic. At the moment, I set the police to 
> RAVIE, so I can notice rapidly if the changes have been set.
> Any help, advice, anything would be of great use. I'm running short on ideas.

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