Ahh, much improved after placing the progress event listener on the
Sound object instead of the loader object, but I still feel like Flex
is buffering the entire .mp3 before the isLoading property is flipped
to false.  

Maybe I'm not considering something here, but seems like all things
being equal, buffering 1sec of audio should take the same amount of
time regardless of file size, but it seems that particularly with
larger files buffering 1sec takes significantly longer.  

I'm actually still using Flex 2 and the documentation for the
SoundLoaderContext says that the bufferTime property is the number of
seconds (vs Milliseconds) to buffer and defaults to 1000 (~17mins?). 
Even if I change this property to 2, I still don't notice any change
in the time it takes to buffer each sound and begin playing...

Any thoughts?  tips?  hints?

Thanks in advance.

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