--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "John Dowdell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Whoa... sorry I missed the start of this thread. The various 
browsers have finally agreed on an implementation of a messaging 
service ("NPRuntime"), but I don't think they specify anything for 
either message size or message speed. They pass messages -- alerts -- 
not large amounts of data.
> This came up for Brad Neuberg of the Dojo project a year or two 
ago. He was also trying to pass large amounts of data in the 
NPRuntime messaging system, and wasn't quite as polite as you 
are.... ;-)
> The rapidity of message-passing would also be an issue... there was 
a Silverlight article a half-year or so back where they specifically 
advised on the limitations of using JavaScript to drive plugins if 
quick or continual messaging is needed.
> Bottom line is that the browsers have been trying to agree on a 
messaging interface here. It *may* work acceptably for large datasets 
in certain browsers, but that would be more happy chance than 
intentional design. 

I've seen this problem myself, not with Flex in a browser, but with 
Flex in an ActiveX control embedded in an application (in my case, 
Authorware).  I'm not passing really large data sets, but the 
performance lag when passing it through ExternalInterface vs. 
URLRequest is noticeable.  Given that no browser is involved when I 
am doing it, it would seem to me that the slowdown would have to be 
either the Flash player or the Flex framework.



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