Hello all,

I got into a problem, that i guess it's pretty common.

I got a TextArea in a form that sends to PHP and records to MySQL database.

My text area won't record the new lines, and they will just dissappear, 
next time i load the text from the DataBase :(

How do people manage that?

people manage it from Flex or from PHP side?
For my project i think it would better to manage it in the PHP side.

I guess i have to make some string replacement, but i'm not good at all 
at RegEx.
Also...should i replace chars at saving into DB? at loading from the DB? 
or them both???

I already had my project quite advanced, and i didn't noticed this issue 
until now,
so i will thank alot any help you could offer.

Lots of thanks!
David Pariente

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