Hey guys, I have this issue, I just got stopped by one of the people
here and they didn't like the way I implemented a combobox in a custom
headerRenderer.  The issue is that, when you change the
ArrayCollection that's binded to the dataGrid, it resets the combobox,
as if it gets reinitialized.  So the problem is I want to show the
data of "This Week" by default, when the data is changed, this
property changes, drops back to the first value of the combobox... So,
I had to set a "When" in my combobox, but I don't want to do that it's
not user friendly, I want to set this so the user can see the value of
time, "Week","Month" etc.

I'm using an example based on Ben Clinkinbeard's blog.  Can anyone
please explain how to avoid this?  Why does this work this way?  

Any Help, this is something others have noted too...
Patrick Lemiuex

Like sands through the hourglass, these are the times of our compile.  

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