Hi All,

I'm working with hierarchical data in the advanced datagrid component.

what i want to be able to do is display a small icon next to some text in
one of the columns.

here's my mxml:

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="@name" headerText="My Header"
sortable="false" minWidth="400"  >
<view:MyCustomColumnRenderer  someLabelText="{data.@name}"
fieldStatus="{data.@somefield}" />

i omitted the columns tag for brevity, but this gives you a very general
sense of what i'm trying to do.

what happens is that the image i'm trying to display (in the
columnrenderer) doesn't display except for the last row after i expand it's

Can anyone shed light on why it's not rendering properly?



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  [ p e r c e p t i c o n ]
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