I have a remote object call that returns an array of elements 
['daysAry'] each with several properties, including one ['drawsQry'] 
that is also an array collection.  I want my display that is built 
showing all the daysAry elements with each drawsQry element to be able 
to filter which drawsQry elements are displayed based on a combobox value.

I understand I use the filterFunction property to assign a function to 
determine which elements to show.  I am not sure how to best set this 
property on each and every drawsQry element in the daysAry array 

Is it as simple as looping over the daysAry collection in my 
remoteObject handler and assign the function to each array collection 
property.  Could I just assign a filter function to the main daysAry 
collection and inside that function loop over the drawsQry property and 
set something there.  Or is there another more elegant solution I am 
over looking.

Thank You

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