Okay, this is really driving me crazy...

I've got a UIComponent which is nested several layers deep in a
layout. Inside that UIComponent I've got a series of sprites that are
nested one inside of the other 4 or 5 levels deep with a Bitmap nested
as the deepest level.

In the top-level sprite of my UIComponent (child of the UIComponent)
I'm intercepting mouse clicks (sprite.mouseChildren = false) and
trying to determine what underlying sprite was clicked on (think the
SpriteArranger example).

Easy, right? Just take the stageX and stageY coordinates from the
mouse down event, pass them to getObjectsUnderPoint, and voila, a list
of objects (sprites, bitmaps, etc.) underneath that point on the stage.

But its not working for me... a few weird issues are popping up:

First, 99% the only object that is in the returned list is the
top-level sprite of my component. What's weird is its the
DisplayObjectContainer I'm calling getObjectsUnderPoint on, so I
wouldn't expect it to be included in the list (because the docs say
"children, grandchildren, etc.").

Second, the 1% of the time it finds something else its the deepest
child, the Bitmap, which is the only other object with art, so that's
too be expected. But it only finds the object if I click on the top
edge of the bitmap. E.g., if I click at (20, 120) it finds the bitmap,
but if I click at (20, 121) or (20, 119) it doesn't find the bitmap,
even though its 100x100 (its fairly big on the screen, I can tell when
I'm clicking inside of it!).

And I check the hitArea... NULL on all my DisplayObjects, so they
should be running off of the visual areas...

Third, the getPointsUnderObject seems to be offset... the docs say to
use stage coordinates, so I use the stageX and stageY from the mouse
event. But, no objects are returned when I reach the edge of my
UIComponent due to what appears to be some offset due to the fact that
the UIComponent is centered...


This seems so basic? Are there gotchas I'm not aware of when dealing
with getObjectsUnderPoint? I can find very few examples of this being
used and the ones I can find seem to agree with what I'm doing!

Help! Please help! :)


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