I've got some UI text fields and labels bound to properties in my model.

I'm dispatching an event which, when listened to, causes a popup to

var newRulesetWindow:IFlexDisplayObject =
PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, NewRuleset, true);

The popup appears fine, but there is no data loaded from the model.
I've stepped through the code and this is what appears to be
happening. I've got an instance of my model (instance named _model)
declared in the components that need it. But for some reason, after
those components' code has finished, I'm getting the following error
from UIComponent.as:

 private function callLaterDispatcher(event:Event):void 
No such variable: _model    

So it isn't seeing it in this callLaterDispatcher. I'm not sure how to
get around this -- the _model instance is declared correctly in all my
components, but isn't being seen in the UIComponent. 

Anyone know what to do?



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