Hi everyone, I have 2 HTTPServices that populate my array:

public var ArrayStats:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;

private var XMLStats:XML;

private function get(event:ResultEvent):void
XMLStats = event.result as XML;
for each(var ourxml:XML in XMLStats.elements() ) ArrayStats.addItem

<mx:HTTPService url="test001.php" useProxy="false" method="POST" 
id="test001" resultFormat="e4x" result="get(event); test002.send()"/>

<mx:HTTPService url="test002.php" useProxy="false" method="POST" 
id="test002" resultFormat="e4x" result="get(event)"/>

My array is displayed as a Column Chart.

How can I simply resend my first HTTPService and update the info that 
was previously set in the array. 

I tried an option to remove all the data in my array and resend both 
my HTTPService. It works but I would rather just update the first 

I do not want my full graph to be refreshed. I would like to have the 
columns from the 1st HTTPService updated.



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