Hi List,

I have a big problem in my current application development. I want to create a modular app which is able to load modules. As a special feature the app shall have a SpringActionscript application context, each module has an own SpringActionscript application context and the parent context is the app's context.

I managed to load modules with it's contexts but if I profile my application I can see the modules that my modules with a SpringActionscript application context are never unloaded. If I load the module again the old instance is never thrown away and after n loads I have n instances of the module in the memory.

What I need is:

   * unloadable modules
   * SpringActionscript in loader application and modules (with parent
   * resource bundles in the modules

I searched the web and found that is not trivial to create modules which are unloadable (seems to be the same with subapplications). In the book "Enterprise Development with Flex" there is an approach how to create unloadable modules but in the example SpringActionscript is not mentioned. My adoption to a SpringActionscript was not successfull.

Is it possible to implement an application in Flex 4 which fits my needs?

Any help is appreciated,

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