
 trace("t3=" + opt.toXmlString());

(I think it's tracing the actual value of each node, which is "")

The toXmlString() value is a much bigger help when you're testing/debugging e4x 

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of peter 
Sent: 01 April 2008 02:21
Subject: [flexcoders] Having trouble with e4x and "for each" -- getting empty 
XML value inside loop

Inside the "for each" loop I am getting a value that is empty. Here is
a sample program that illustrates the problem:

private function xmlTesting() : void
var myXml:XML = new XML("<root><commands> \
<command name='c1' > \
<options> \
<option name='o1'/> \
<option name='o2'/> \
</options> \
</command> \
<command name='c2' > \
<options> \
<option name='o3'/> \
<option name='o4'/> \
<option name='o5' /> \
</options> \
</command> \
</commands> \

var myXml2:XMLList = myXml.commands.command.(@name=="c2");

trace("t1=" + myXml2[0].options);
trace ("t2=" + myXml2[0].options.option);

for each (var opt:XML in myXml2[0].options.option)
trace("t3=" + opt);

Here is the output I see in the trace window:

<option name="o3"/>
<option name="o4"/>
<option name="o5"/>
t2=<option name="o3"/>
<option name="o4"/>
<option name="o5"/>

I don't understand why my value of "opt" in the "for each" loop shows
up as empty in the trace (t3). I must be missing something. Any help
appreciated. Thanks.

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