It really sounds like somehow the DataStore's for each DataService are the same 
though, I don't see how they could have different "uids" in that case.    Can 
you turn on the <mx:TraceTarget/>?   That should show what is happening... you 
can send that to me offlist (<>) and 
I'll take a look at it.


From: [] On Behalf 
Of Rajeev Goel
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 10:18 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] LCDS: Potential LCDS bug - Commit on one 
DataService(assembler), commits dirty data of another unrelated DataService

hi All,

I am facing a weird issue in LCDS 2.6.

There are two unrelated entities A and B, i.e. they dont' have any relationship 
defined in data-management-config.xml
My application is MDI based and consists of multiple mini-apps.

1. User opens miniapp for entity A, makes it dirty, don't save it.
2. Then opens minapp for entity B, does an operation which causes B's assembler 
to refill.
   immediately B's assembler complains that B's data is dirty.
This shouldn't happen as A and B don't have any defined relationship .

3. Save dirty entity A
4. miniapp for entity B stops complaining for dirty data.

5. now dirty data in B.
6. dirty an entity in A, save it. B also gets committed to db.

somehow these are getting linked together.

Printed uid of DataService.dataStore for both, it is different.

Any help in this would be appreciated.


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