You could try using  a labelRenderer(You can customize height, width,
how its written etc.) and also try the styles labelRotation, canStagger,
canDropLabels, labelGap)

If you can post an example, it would be useful to suggest a solution.





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of bjorn -
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 2:40 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] LineChart w/effect messes up when horizontalAxis
gets more data


Hi guys,


I have a LineChart which uses SeriesInterpolate with an easeOut function
to make it look good when the data is changed. It's a linechart which
displays data by weeks. I've added FlexLib's HSlider below it so that
the use can change the week interval.


The linechart effect looks good most of the time, however when a user
selects many weeks it makes the horizontal labelfield bigger (since it
needs to be drawn on two lines "Week 5, week 6, week 7" etc.).


What happens is that the effect plays out normally first, and then it
sort of "jumps" to adjust itself to the new y location of the horizontal
line. And that's kind of annoying :)


Any hints on how this can be fixed? Can I specify a fixed height of the
horizontal labels or maybe speficy x/y for the x/y of the chart or
something ... 


If this didn't make sense let me know and I'll throw up an example ;-)


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