I think you want to use dataForFormat(“items”).  We describe the drag and drop from the list classes here: http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/15/flex_docs_en/00000623.htm.  In your case this will return an array of items, you may simply want to grab the first element of that array.  I would hope that after that change your code might work.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:07 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Noob - Drag & Drop Help Please


Hello Everyone,


I really need your help understanding the Drop of the Drag & Drop.  I am trying to ‘drop’ an image from a ‘tileList’ onto a canvas, but I am having issues with creating the child in the canvas.  I am very new to ActiveScript and Flex, and I’m sorry if this has been covered.


Here is the drop code:



function doDragDrop(event) {


          var item = event.dragSource.dataForFormat("product");

          Alert.show(item[0], "Alert Box",Alert.OK);


          if (item != undefined) {

                   item.mapX = event.target.mouseX - item.mouseInitX;

                   item.mapY = event.target.mouseY - item.mouseInitY;



          cvsPage.createChild(mx.controls.Image,"newTxtFld"+item, {x:'xLoc', y:'yLoc'});






As you can see, I have taken some sample code and I’m trying to apply it my needs (learning by example), but I have no idea where I am going wrong.  I am having a hard time finding an example of dragging an image from a list and dropping (creating) on a canvas.


Additional Questions


Why am I not getting a value to display in the alert box?

What does the dataForFormat(“STRING”) refer to?  Is this just an arbitrary name?


dataForFormat( format: String) :  Object

format: String - Sting that specifies a label that describes the format for the data to return. This parameter is required.



Many thanks for the help in advance.


~David T.



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