[flexcoders] Layered ListBase component

2009-11-17 Thread method_air
Hello, I am looking for a component (presumably extending ListBase) that allows objects to be dropped inside of it, and positioned where they are dropped (kind of like a stage or root timeline). The depth of the display objects is bound to the data provider indexing. Does such a component exis

[flexcoders] Returning the UIComponent Dragged from a TileList

2009-12-04 Thread method_air
I can access the data from item(s) dragged from a TileList and dropped onto another component: var dragEvent:DragEvent = e as DragEvent; var items:Array = dragEvent.dragSource.dataForFormat("items") as Array; var data:Object = items[0]; How do I access the UIComponent containing the data? I wan

[flexcoders] SecureSWF obfuscation

2009-12-14 Thread method_air
Hi there, What swf obfuscator do you use and recommend? We would like to run the obfuscator in linux as a command line. I'm getting Flex runtime errors using SecureSWF with Identifier renaming. Anybody else experiences issues with this product, or have a workaround? Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] Local Windows services calls from Air

2009-12-30 Thread method_air
Is there a way to call out to a local Windows service (ie COM etc) from within Air? Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] TileList performance

2010-02-10 Thread method_air
Are there any TileList optimization tips? Performance seems slow and choppy even with a small number of images and a fast machine. I would like to utilize this component but the client is currently dissatisfied with it's performance. Do better performing solutions exist (that also utilize the

[flexcoders] Flash library to Flex converter

2010-03-09 Thread method_air
Is there a tool that will convert an exported Flash library element (ie Component/MovieClip) to an AS3 class with Flex syntax, ie[Embed(source="graphic.png")] Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] Horizontal list item renderers duplicated

2010-04-07 Thread method_air
Hi there, I have a horizontal list renderer populated with Image controls whose source is bound to a url property of the data object passed to it. When the corresponding data object in it's data provider is updated, multiple item renderers are updated (one item updated is expected). How can th

[flexcoders] Re: Horizontal list item renderers duplicated

2010-04-07 Thread method_air
s? --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "method_air" wrote: > > Hi there, > > I have a horizontal list renderer populated with Image controls whose source > is bound to a url property of the data object passed to it. When the > corresponding data object in it

[flexcoders] Disappearing item renderer

2010-04-08 Thread method_air
Image component items in a HorizontalList, with the 'source' set to a Bitmap are disappearing when scrolled (appears to be related to item renderer recycling). This doesn't occur when the Image source is set to a string... Is there a workaround to stop this from occurring? Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] ViewStack historyManagementEnabled fails when nested in spark component

2010-04-28 Thread method_air
Any ideas why historyManagementEnabled seems to be failing here: The MX viewstack is nested in a spark component. History management wo

[flexcoders] Re: ViewStack historyManagementEnabled fails when nested in spark component

2010-05-03 Thread method_air
? Thanks, Philip --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "method_air" wrote: > > Any ideas why historyManagementEnabled seems to be failing here: > > > > > > > > > > > >

[flexcoders] Data grid vary column sizes

2010-05-19 Thread method_air
How do you vary the data grid column widths? Setting the width property inside the item renderers to different values is not working. Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] Embed source path issue

2010-05-20 Thread method_air
I'm trying to 'embed source' a .png located in an graphics rsl from a flex project (the rsl is in the project build path). Flex is throwing an error 'unable to resolve 'image path' for transcoding. The package structure of the graphics rsl is: src/com/domain/assets/images/image.png This fails:

[flexcoders] Re: Data grid vary column sizes

2010-05-21 Thread method_air
Thanks. Is there a way for the column to intelligently 'autofit' to the width of its contents? --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "David" wrote: > > Set the width on the DataGridColumn, not on its itemRenderer > > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "method

[flexcoders] Re: Data grid vary column sizes

2010-05-21 Thread method_air
gt; > > > On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 11:52 AM, method_air wrote: > > > > > > > Thanks. Is there a way for the column to intelligently 'autofit' to the > > width of its contents? > > > > > > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com , &q

[flexcoders] Re: Data grid vary column sizes

2010-05-25 Thread method_air
> some other code accesses datagrid.column[i].width. > > > On 5/19/10 11:02 AM, "method_air" wrote: > > > > > > > How do you vary the data grid column widths? Setting the width property > inside the item renderers to different values is not work

[flexcoders] Upload subfolder images component

2010-05-27 Thread method_air
Lets say you have a root folder, with 20 subfolders (ie created by a camera), each containing images. Click 'Upload' on the root directory and all the subimages are uploaded. Is there a (Flex) component that will do this? Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] Form not responding to 'enter keyDown' event

2010-06-01 Thread method_air
I have a delete confirmation Form object, with a 'keyDown' listener that is not responding when the enter key is pressed. The code works in isolation, but not as part of a larger, complex project. Any ideas/tips how I can enable this functionality? Thanks, Philip http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/200

[flexcoders] Flex Breadcrumb and Lightbox components

2010-06-15 Thread method_air
Where can I find decent Flex breadcrumb and Lightbox components? Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] Flex 4 Loading Run time CSS

2010-06-24 Thread method_air
Is it possible to load run time CSS with Flex 4/Spark. Loading Flex 3 style modules with the StyleManager is throwing an error, is there a Flex 4 way to do it? Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] MenuBar horizontal separators

2010-07-05 Thread method_air
Does the Flex MenuBar component feature horizontal separators? If not, any custom components out there that do? Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] 'DefaultTileListEffect' Spark eqivalent

2010-08-19 Thread method_air
Is there a Spark equivalent to the mx:DefaultTileListEffect?

[flexcoders] Image component not resizing correctly

2010-09-01 Thread method_air
Currently experiencing an Image component resizing issue: An Image component (inside an ItemRenderer/Spark List, with a fixed width/height of '100') resizes incorrectly when it's source changes. The Image components source is initially set to an embedded placeholder graphic (while the new sour

[flexcoders] Inject dependency into Flex application preloader

2011-08-08 Thread method_air
Is it possible? http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"; xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" preloader="com.storefront.editorhost.app.ProgressPreloader"

[flexcoders] BitmapData Argument: Error #1063: Arg count mismatch on object util.copy

2011-08-18 Thread method_air
I'm creating a deep copy of an object which has a BitmapData property using ObjectUtil.copy and 'registerClassAlias', eg: registerClassAlias("flash.display.BitmapData", BitmapData); ...but I'm getting the error: ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on flash.display::BitmapData().

[flexcoders] 3D Tree and flex 4.5

2011-09-23 Thread method_air
I'm getting this error when I click on an item from the 3D found at http://activeden.net/item/3d-tree-20/full_screen_preview/15727 ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label Open not found in scene Open. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at com.zerofractal::tree3D/openFolder(

[flexcoders] Hiding Flex tree XML CDATA

2011-09-28 Thread method_air
Is there a way to prevent CDATA from being displayed in a flex tree, so the 'team' node is represented as a leaf node and not a folder with a data structure like: Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] Flex save screenshots to clipboard

2011-10-17 Thread method_air
Is it possible to copy a pasteable bitmap in flex and if so, how? This article indicates it may be possible with FP 10.1? If someone can elaborate or provide an example, it would be appreciated: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2321186/how-to-copy-something-as-a-pastable-bitmap-in-fla

[flexcoders] Flash Builder not tracing, breakpoint functionality lost, no compiler errors

2011-10-19 Thread method_air
We have a Flashbuilder 4.5 project with a number of library projects. This project has suddenly stopped showing trace statements, breakpoint functionality such as 'step into' is lost, and it is not building the workspace in an expected manner (ie the compiler is not showing errors in the 'Proble

[flexcoders] HTTPService post to return an image?

2011-11-01 Thread method_air
Is it possible to return an image object using HTTPService? The fault method executes when I attempt to do this: var http:HTTPService = new HTTPService(); http.url = "myScript.ashx"; http.method = "POST"; http.resultFormat = "object"; Should URLLoader be used instead? Cheers, Phili

[flexcoders] Error comparing bitmapData

2011-11-01 Thread method_air
I'm getting this error when comparing (what appears to be) two valid BitmapData objects, any ideas why? Type Coercion failed: cannot convert -3 to flash.display.BitmapData. code: var diff:BitmapData = BitmapData(this._editorBitmapData.compare(this._iceBitmapData));

[flexcoders] ModuleLoader.child is null

2011-11-03 Thread method_air
Can anyone explain why ModuleLoader.child is null in the module event 'ready' event listener: this._moduleLoader = new ModuleLoader(); this._moduleLoader.url = "ImageComparisonModule.swf"; // this._moduleLoader.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, onReady); priva

[flexcoders] Draggable Spark Panel with scrollable text area?

2011-11-07 Thread method_air
How can I make this panel draggable, yet still maintain TextArea scrollability? protected function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { (event.currentTarget as UIComponent).startDrag(); } protected function mouseUpHandler(e

[flexcoders] A file found in a source-path must have an externally visible definition.

2011-11-14 Thread method_air
Is it possible to 'include' an actionscript located inside a flex library project? I'm getting this error when I attempt to do that: A file found in a source-path must have an externally visible definition. If a definition in the file is meant to be externally visible, please put the definitio

[flexcoders] ArgumentError: Error #2004: One of the parameters is invalid@Graphics/drawRect

2011-12-05 Thread method_air
This error started appearing, (the stack trace only has information relating to flex sdk classes), anyone know how to fix it: ArgumentError: Error #2004: One of the parameters is invalid. at flash.display::Graphics/drawRect() at spark.primitives::Rect/draw()[E:\dev\4.5.1\framewor

[flexcoders] Flex Tree selectedItem is null issue

2011-12-30 Thread method_air
This works, and tree.selectedItem is not null after assignment: var nodeToSelect:XML = this.tree.dataProvider.getItemAt(0) as XML; this.tree.expandItem(nodeToSelect, true); this.tree.selectedItem = nodeToSelect; // NOT NULL But this doesn't, when the tree 'selecte

[flexcoders] spark scrollbar skinning

2012-02-02 Thread method_air
I'm attempting to skin a spark scrollbar like this example: http://blog.flexexamples.com/2009/11/04/setting-a-custom-horizontal-scroll-bar-skin-on-a-spark-list-control-in-flex-4/ ...but the scrollbar skinning is not applied. The disclaimer on the above link says, 'This entry is based on a beta

[flexcoders] Displaying spark scrollbars for mx components wrapped in a scroller

2012-02-08 Thread method_air
Is it possible to hide the mx scrollbars for an mx component, and show the spark scrollbars of the spark 'scroller' component wrapping it instead? How can I get this example to work: Cheers, Philip

[flexcoders] MX scrollbar with spark skin display issue

2012-02-28 Thread method_air
There is a gap between the thumb and the down button in the bottom position of an mx vscrollbar, as seen here: http://imgur.com/46eKt ...when using spark skins (css properties thumbSkin, up-arrow-skin, down-arrow-skin and track-skin), Any ideas on how to fix it? Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] Flex Menu.hide listener...which component was clicked to close menu?

2012-03-07 Thread method_air
Is there a way to determine which component was clicked to trigger MenuEvent.MENU_HIDE? Thanks, Philip

[flexcoders] Flex Menu.createMenu on mouseDown issue

2012-03-07 Thread method_air
Attempting to create a flex Menu on 'mouseDown' is failing (but works using the 'click' event): private function createAndShow():void { var myMenu:Menu = Menu.createMenu(null, myMenuData, false); myMenu.show(10, 10); } ]]>

[flexcoders] MOUSE_LEAVE when mouse is pressed

2012-04-17 Thread method_air
The MOUSE_LEAVE event doesn't appear to get dispatched when the mouse is pressed when leaving the flex application area...is there a way to make this happen?

[flexcoders] HDividedBox divider events not working after changing current state

2012-07-09 Thread method_air
The HDividerBox dividerRelease and dividerPress event listeners no longer execute after changing the current state of a parent container (and the 'drag handle' is lost)...but the HDividedBox still 'has event listeners' for these events. Any ideas? I'll post code if necessary. Thanks.