Hello :)

I created two tabs, in each tab i added a chlid which is DisplayObject. 
Unfortunatelly, it added the DisplayObject only for one tab et not the other. 
Although i added the same object ..

There is my code : 

private function createTab(tabNavigator : TabNavigator, obBpmn : DisplayObject, 
obBpel : DisplayObject ) : void
            var canvasBPMN: Canvas= new Canvas();
            canvasBPMN.percentHeight = 100;
            canvasBPMN.percentWidth = 100;
            canvasBPMN.label = "BPMN";
            var canvasBPEL: Canvas= new Canvas();
            canvasBPEL.percentHeight = 100;
            canvasBPEL.percentWidth = 100;
            canvasBPEL.label = "BPEL";
            canvasBPEL.addChild( obBpel );

in the browser, we notice that it added the DisplayObject obBpel only to 
canvasBPEL tab.......

Any idea please,,,,

However, i tried to add a button as a chlid to canvasBPMN and it was 
sucsseffully added....So i don't why it didn't add the DisplayObject 

Any help please 


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