I have the following data:

2210.33012.330198.000Aug 5 2010 1:41PM
3200.2200.000200.220Aug 5 2010 1:41PM
14412.5300.000412.530Aug 26 2010 1:16PM
15412.53095.260317.270Aug 26 2010 1:17PM
22421.74089.710332.030Sep 8 2010 2:38PM

Below is the MXML for the chart I created

<mx:ColumnChart id="priceColumnChart" 
dataProvider="{xmllcPriceTemplatePricesForGraph}" showDataTips="true" 
width="100%" height="100%" dataTipFunction="columnChartDataTipFunction">
<mx:CategoryAxis id="priceColumnChartCategoryAxis" 
dataProvider="{xmllcPriceTemplatePricesForGraph}" categoryField="CreatedDate"/>
<mx:ColumnSet type="clustered">
<mx:ColumnSeries yField="BasePrice" displayName="Base Price" />
<mx:ColumnSet type="stacked">
<mx:ColumnSeries yField="NetPrice" displayName="Net Price" />
<mx:ColumnSeries yField="BasisTotal" displayName="Basis" />
<mx:Legend dataProvider="{priceColumnChart}"/>

When I hover the mouse over the stack representation for the BasisTotal, I am 
getting a number where the decimal place is 18, although in the data that I 
have,  I only have 3.

I am attaching a screenshot of the chart, with my datatip for the Basis 
displayed to provide more clarity to this problem I have.

Anyone encountered this before?



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