Re: [flexcoders] circular image in flex

2016-08-25 Thread amanyire arthur [flexcoders]
Hello Ernest, this draws a rectangle with rounded boarders and a mask. I would 
like to have a circle used a a mask for an image, more like the way display 
pictures appear on whatsapp";



On Saturday, August 13, 2016 12:34 AM, "Hervé Crespel [flexcoders]"  wrote:

  You are right.
 But Flex is not dead. It is an Apache project. And still evolving. It became 
Apache in version 4.7 and is now version 4.19.
 Le 11/08/2016 à 02:57, Mr Nobody [flexcoders] a écrit :
    The guy who said that killing flex was crime well I will say it was more 
than a crime and a pathetic one the technologies should not be shape shifted 
this way. Still there is no camparison to the pixel perfection of the 
Flash/Flex platform. JavaScript can't promise the crispness sharpness and 
clarity of Flash  platform. The killed it simply. There was a time when this 
group wasn't such quite now there's nothing like before... Alex(Flex) Haurui 
was always there... This thing itself signifys that how much devs moved on to 
other web/mobile platforms. It really disappointed Flex devs a lot... Anyways 
wish u all the best.
  On Aug 10, 2016 1:20 PM, " [flexcoders]" 
 > Hello guys, i am trying to create a circular mask for an image control so 
 > that the picture can be circular. Here is my code so far. 
 >   width="180"
 >   height="180"
 >   initialize="init();">
 >  source="";
 >  resize="image_resize(event);">
 > the image is not the way i want it. Could someone please help
   #yiv4039539360 #yiv4039539360 -- #yiv4039539360ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4039539360 
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0;}#yiv4039539360 #yiv4039539360ygrp-mkp #yiv4039539360ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4039539360 #yiv4039539360ygrp-mkp .yiv4039539360ad 
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{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4039539360 #yiv4039539360ygrp-sponsor 
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span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4039539360 
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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4039539360 div.yiv4039539360photo-title a, 
#yiv4039539360 div.yiv4039539360photo-t

Re: [flexcoders] circular image in flex

2016-08-12 Thread Hervé Crespel [flexcoders]

You are right.

But Flex is not dead. It is an Apache project. And still evolving. It 
became Apache in version 4.7 and is now version 4.19.

Le 11/08/2016 à 02:57, Mr Nobody [flexcoders] a 
écrit :

The guy who said that killing flex was crime well I will say it was 
more than a crime and a pathetic one the technologies should not be 
shape shifted this way.

Still there is no camparison to the pixel perfection of the Flash/Flex 
platform. JavaScript can't promise the crispness sharpness and clarity 
of Flash platform. The killed it simply. There was a time when this 
group wasn't such quite now there's nothing like before... Alex(Flex) 
Haurui was always there... This thing itself signifys that how much 
devs moved on to other web/mobile platforms. It really disappointed 
Flex devs a lot...

Anyways wish u all the best.

On Aug 10, 2016 1:20 PM, " 
 [flexcoders]" > wrote:

> Hello guys, i am trying to create a circular mask for an image 
control so that the picture can be circular. Here is my code so far.

>   width="180"
>   height="180"
>   initialize="init();">
>  source="";
>  resize="image_resize(event);">
> the image is not the way i want it. Could someone please help

Re: [flexcoders] circular image in flex

2016-08-10 Thread Dan Pride [flexcoders]
Whats interesting is most people never even looked at the  motivation.My last 
Flex project ran beautifully on everything.Flex threatened to completely 
eliminate the differences between Mac and Windows for the user.It threatened to 
kill Mac or at least cause a price reduction.THAT'S why Steve Jobs killed 
flash.and the world as usual, ran off the cliff like a herd of lemmings.
 Dan Pride
1-303-800-0900 - Skype No Texting1-360-850-9322 Mobile

  From: "Mr Nobody [flexcoders]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] circular image in flex
    The guy who said that killing flex was crime well I will say it was more 
than a crime and a pathetic one the technologies should not be shape shifted 
this way.Still there is no camparison to the pixel perfection of the Flash/Flex 
platform. JavaScript can't promise the crispness sharpness and clarity of Flash 
platform. The killed it simply. There was a time when this group wasn't such 
quite now there's nothing like before... Alex(Flex) Haurui was always there... 
This thing itself signifys that how much devs moved on to other web/mobile 
platforms. It really disappointed Flex devs a lot...Anyways wish u all the best.
On Aug 10, 2016 1:20 PM, " [flexcoders]" 
> Hello guys, i am trying to create a circular mask for an image control so 
> that the picture can be circular. Here is my code so far. 
>   width="180"
>   height="180"
>   initialize="init();">
>  source="";
>  resize="image_resize(event);">
> the image is not the way i want it. Could someone please help
  #yiv8529288441 #yiv8529288441 -- #yiv8529288441ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8529288441 
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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv8529

Re: [flexcoders] circular image in flex

2016-08-10 Thread Mr Nobody [flexcoders]
The guy who said that killing flex was crime well I will say it was more
than a crime and a pathetic one the technologies should not be shape
shifted this way.

Still there is no camparison to the pixel perfection of the Flash/Flex
platform. JavaScript can't promise the crispness sharpness and clarity of
Flash platform. The killed it simply. There was a time when this group
wasn't such quite now there's nothing like before... Alex(Flex) Haurui was
always there... This thing itself signifys that how much devs moved on to
other web/mobile platforms. It really disappointed Flex devs a lot...

Anyways wish u all the best.

On Aug 10, 2016 1:20 PM, " [flexcoders]" <> wrote:
> Hello guys, i am trying to create a circular mask for an image control so
that the picture can be circular. Here is my code so far.
>   width="180"
>   height="180"
>   initialize="init();">
>  source="";
>  resize="image_resize(event);">
> the image is not the way i want it. Could someone please help

Re: [flexcoders] Re: circular image in flex

2016-08-10 Thread Ernest Breau [flexcoders]
Try this one";layout="vertical"


Ernest E. Breau Jr.
Senior Coldfusion Developer
  cell: (508) 264-9856

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 9:09 AM, [flexcoders] <> wrote:

> Any help guys?

Re: [flexcoders] circular image in flex

2016-08-10 Thread Dan Pride [flexcoders]
The death of this technology was a crime.Oliver Cromwell has his Ireland and 
Steve Jobs had his flash.
Angular2 is pretty good replacement, eventually they will add a bitmap I 
predict.They will have to eventually, or a facsimile thereof

When you can't mathematically relate any pixel on the screen to any other and 
do so over time.You are by definition inferior to flash as a user interface.
 Dan Pride
1-303-800-0900 - Skype No Texting1-360-850-9322 Mobile

  From: " [flexcoders]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 1:20 AM
 Subject: [flexcoders] circular image in flex
    Hello guys, i am trying to create a circular mask for an image control so 
that the picture can be circular. Here is my code so far.";    width="180"    height="180"    
the image is not the way i want it. Could someone please help
  #yiv1194420150 #yiv1194420150 -- #yiv1194420150ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1194420150 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv1194420150 #yiv1194420150activity span 
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span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1194420150 
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#yiv1194420150 div.yiv1194420150photo-title a:active, #yiv1194420150 
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div#yiv1194420150ygrp-mlmsg #yiv1194420150ygrp-msg p a 
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#yiv1194420150reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv1194420150 .yiv1194420150replbq 

Re: [flexcoders] Update Flex builder 4.6 to 4.8

2016-08-10 Thread Clint M [flexcoders]
It should just work.  Apache Flex 4.8 is equal to Adobe Flex 4.6.

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 6:30 AM, [flexcoders] <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to update my flex environment.
> Can you explain how to convert my project ?
> Best regards.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 1.5 SSL implementation solution required

2016-07-18 Thread Nick Collins [flexcoders]
Randall is correct. I use ES6 along with Babel and Webpack happily with my
React coding. If you want to dig in and get your hands dirty, check out
Gluestick  ( .
It is an excellent (IMHO) CLI tool for scaffolding out a React site to get
started and learn how to use the platform.

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 5:09 AM, Randall Tinfow
[flexcoders]  wrote:

> 6
> Not a big deal for this weenie.
> RT

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 1.5 SSL implementation solution required

2016-07-08 Thread Dan Pride [flexcoders]
Isn't React ecmascript 4 based also?If so it will die a quick death when it 
goes up against a real computer language based on Ecmascript 6 (plus)
It is so wonderful to see the death of the spaghetti code machine, should have 
happened a lot sooner.It is the definition of how not to program.
Going to be fun watching all the javascript/Ajax weenies tackle a real computer 
language :)An entire generation of programmers just got left on the beach and 
its sink or swim Yahoo !
 Dan Pride
1-303-800-0900 - Skype No Texting1-360-850-9322 Mobile

  From: "Nick Collins [flexcoders]" 

 Sent: Friday, July 8, 2016 9:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 1.5 SSL implementation solution required
    Another good alternative is React
On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Dan Pride [flexcoders] 

     Flex 4.6 is really qood, but given the industry move away from flash you 
may want to consider Angular2, its basically flash without the bitmap.That may 
be overstating it a bit, but its a lot more similar to actionscript 3 than it 
is to javascript 4 framework stuff.At Last ! something approaching the 
sophistication of actionscript has finally appeared on the sceen !
 Dan Pride
1-303-800-0900 - Skype No Texting1-360-850-9322 Mobile

  From: "Nick Collins [flexcoders]" 

 Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 1.5 SSL implementation solution required
    Why on God's green earth would you be using a technology that is now nearly 
15 years old?!?!
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 5:31 AM, Srinivasulu Thottempudi [flexcoders]  wrote:

     Dear flex developer,

How to build the Flex 1.5 application ?

Our flex application working in tomcat and installed SSL certificate. It is fine

Our flex application we are calling the methods thorough RemoteObject. After 
installed SSL Methods are not calling.

We are changed in flex-config.xml ,  URL but it is not 
taking this URL.

Please help me or you can call me on this number.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders Moderator []
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 4:10 PM
To: Srinivasulu Thottempudi
Subject: Yahoo Groups: Welcome to flexcoders. Visit today!


Welcome to the flexcoders group at Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use email 
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Moderator, flexcoders

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  #yiv5457469524 #yiv5457469524 -- #yiv5457469524ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yi

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 1.5 SSL implementation solution required

2016-07-08 Thread Nick Collins [flexcoders]
Another good alternative is React

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Dan Pride
[flexcoders]  wrote:

> Flex 4.6 is really qood, but given the industry move away from flash you
> may want to consider Angular2, its basically flash without the bitmap.
> That may be overstating it a bit, but its a lot more similar to
> actionscript 3 than it is to javascript 4 framework stuff.
> At Last ! something approaching the sophistication of actionscript has
> finally appeared on the sceen !
> Dan Pride
> 1-303-800-0900 - Skype No Texting
> 1-360-850-9322 Mobile
> --
> *From:* "Nick Collins [flexcoders]" <
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Monday, June 20, 2016 10:11 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Flex 1.5 SSL implementation solution required
> Why on God's green earth would you be using a technology that is now
> nearly 15 years old?!?!
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 5:31 AM, Srinivasulu Thottempudi
> [flexcoders]  wrote:
> Dear flex developer,
> How to build the Flex 1.5 application ?
> Our flex application working in tomcat and installed SSL certificate. It
> is fine
> Our flex application we are calling the methods thorough RemoteObject.
> After installed SSL Methods are not calling.
> We are changed in flex-config.xml ,  URL but it is not
> taking this URL.
> Please help me or you can call me on this number.
> Regards,
> Srinivas
> 09849939734
> -Original Message-
> From: flexcoders Moderator []
> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 4:10 PM
> To: Srinivasulu Thottempudi
> Subject: Yahoo Groups: Welcome to flexcoders. Visit today!
> Hello,
> Welcome to the flexcoders group at Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use
> email group service. Please take a moment to review this message.
> To learn more about the flexcoders group, please visit
> or
> <>
> To start sending messages to members of this group, simply send email to
> If you do not wish to belong to flexcoders, you may unsubscribe by sending
> an email to
> To see and modify all of your groups, go to
> <>
> Regards,
> Moderator, flexcoders
> Complete your Yahoo! Groups account:
> --
> Your email address has been added to the email list of a Yahoo! Group.
> To gain access to all of your group's web features (previous messages,
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> by connecting your email address to Yahoo account. It is easy and free.
> Please visit:
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> Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to
> <>
> SANKHYA'S Email DISCLAIMER: Information contained in this E-MAIL and any
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> not REPRESENT or WARRANT that an attachment hereto is free from computer
> viruses or other defects. The opinions expressed in this E-MAIL and any
> ATTACHMENTS may be those of the author and are not necessarily those of

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 1.5 SSL implementation solution required

2016-06-20 Thread Dan Pride [flexcoders]
Flex 4.6 is really qood, but given the industry move away from flash you may 
want to consider Angular2, its basically flash without the bitmap.That may be 
overstating it a bit, but its a lot more similar to actionscript 3 than it is 
to javascript 4 framework stuff.At Last ! something approaching the 
sophistication of actionscript has finally appeared on the sceen !
 Dan Pride
1-303-800-0900 - Skype No Texting1-360-850-9322 Mobile

  From: "Nick Collins [flexcoders]" 

 Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 1.5 SSL implementation solution required
    Why on God's green earth would you be using a technology that is now nearly 
15 years old?!?!
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 5:31 AM, Srinivasulu Thottempudi [flexcoders]  wrote:

     Dear flex developer,

How to build the Flex 1.5 application ?

Our flex application working in tomcat and installed SSL certificate. It is fine

Our flex application we are calling the methods thorough RemoteObject. After 
installed SSL Methods are not calling.

We are changed in flex-config.xml ,  URL but it is not 
taking this URL.

Please help me or you can call me on this number.


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders Moderator []
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 4:10 PM
To: Srinivasulu Thottempudi
Subject: Yahoo Groups: Welcome to flexcoders. Visit today!


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Re: [flexcoders] Flex 1.5 SSL implementation solution required

2016-06-20 Thread Nick Collins [flexcoders]
Why on God's green earth would you be using a technology that is now nearly
15 years old?!?!

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 5:31 AM, Srinivasulu Thottempudi [flexcoders]  wrote:

> Dear flex developer,
> How to build the Flex 1.5 application ?
> Our flex application working in tomcat and installed SSL certificate. It
> is fine
> Our flex application we are calling the methods thorough RemoteObject.
> After installed SSL Methods are not calling.
> We are changed in flex-config.xml ,  URL but it is not
> taking this URL.
> Please help me or you can call me on this number.
> Regards,
> Srinivas
> 09849939734
> -Original Message-
> From: flexcoders Moderator []
> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 4:10 PM
> To: Srinivasulu Thottempudi
> Subject: Yahoo Groups: Welcome to flexcoders. Visit today!
> Hello,
> Welcome to the flexcoders group at Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use
> email group service. Please take a moment to review this message.
> To learn more about the flexcoders group, please visit
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RE: [flexcoders] Re: Flow Control in Flex

2016-03-03 Thread Harris Reynolds [flexcoders]
It is probably just a matter of my being more familiar with Flash than Flex;  
that, exacerbated by the sample explorer application demoing Flow Control using 
an Accordian and a very 
--- Steven Webster  wrote:
> What can't you achieve with a viewstack and buttons
> ?
> Steven 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Harris Reynolds
> [] 
> > Sent: 18 March 2005 14:59
> > To:
> > Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flow Control in Flex
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I feel like I am trying to put a square peg in a
> round hole 
> > using Flex to create a Wizard based app (Next/Back
> flow control).  
> > Components like Accordian and ViewStack are cool,
> but not 
> > great for a series of 10 to 15 questions.
> > 
> > Has anyone actually implemented a solution where
> you have 
> > several questions where the answers dictate the
> flow of the 
> > questionaire?
> > 
> > If there isn't a good way to do this in Flex I can
> simply 
> > revert to using the Screens/Forms in Flash MX Pro;
>  maybe in 
> > this case Flash is just the right tool for the
> job.
> > 
> > Anyone have some thoughts on this?  Macromedia?
> > 
> > ~harris
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, Abdul Qabiz
>  wrote:
> > > First question: You can use Accordion but it
> isn't like the
> > typical ones,
> > > but you can make one using ViewStack, Panel &
> ControlBar, I guess
> > so...
> > > 
> > > Second Question: Look into ASDocs, here is the
> link:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -abdul
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Harris Reynolds [mailto:hreynolds2@y...]
> > > Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 6:22 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [flexcoders] Flow Control in Flex
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Quick question:  What is the primary control one
> would use 
> > in Flex to 
> > > implement a Wizard like application?  I am
> looking for
> > something 
> > > similar to Screens in Flash.  I have looked
> through the explorer 
> > > example, but didn't see anything for
> implementing flow control.
> > > 
> > > Also, is there a "Components Dictionary"
> somewhere in the Flex 
> > > documentation similar to the one for Flash MX
> components?  I'd
> > like 
> > > to see all the properties/methods/events
> available on all the 
> > > available Flex components.
> > > 
> > > TIA,
> > > 
> > > ~mh
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.7.3 -
> Release Date: 15/03/2005
> >  
> > 
> -- 
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.7.3 - Release
> Date: 15/03/2005
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [flexcoders] Xframe option in flex

2015-12-09 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]
X-Frame-Options is an HTTP response header. It is set on the server. You can't 
set it from your Flex code.

  From: "Ranadeep ghosh [flexcoders]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2015 4:21 AM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Xframe option in flex


I am working on a project where I have to add the xframe options ( 
DENY,ALLOW,SAMEORIGIN ) to prevent click jacking in flex code. 
I have googled about it, but didn't get much about the syntax part. If someone 
is aware of it, please help me with the syntax.


Re: [flexcoders] Re: flex multiple filter function using text input, combobox and date range

2015-12-03 Thread [flexcoders]
Guidance on how to add a date range filter 

Re: [flexcoders] Re: flex multiple filter function using text input, combobox and date range

2015-12-03 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]
Help with what?

  From: " [flexcoders]" 
 Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2015 9:31 AM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: flex multiple filter function using text input, 
combobox and date range

any help?


RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread 'Doug Pierce' [flexcoders]
“Abandoned” is a pretty extreme word.  There are a lot of people still using it 
and it’s still getting updated… what, 3 years after Adobe donated it to Apache? 
 New mobile, desktop and web projects are still created in Flex every day… just 
not at the fury of what once was.


Now… if we could only get FlexJS going (ahem, Alex).


From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 6:33 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11



One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen is the speed with which all the 
flash and flex developers abandoned the tools once it was clear that Apple had 
won the battle of the Flash player.


From: [] 
Sent: 23 September 2015 14:30
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11



As Julian said, you may very well very well be the last flex developer left. 
And for that matter, the last ColdFusion developer. 


It could be a server environment change that is incompatible now with either 
Flex or ColdFusion. Technologies change and move on, sorry if that doesn’t 
help. Good luck. 


Jason Merrill
Instructional Technology Architect II

Bank of America  Global Technology and Operations

c: 703.302.9265







From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:05 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11



Anyone out there with a solution to this issue? i have been using that code for 
so long and it worked perfectly. But now for some reason the uploaded file name 
doesn't appear in the textinput even if the file is actually uploaded onto the 


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RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Julian Tenney [flexcoders]
yeah, that is my experience too. I think perhaps we misunderstood each other 

From: []
Sent: 23 September 2015 20:09
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

And further to your point, I think it's naive for someone to assume that 
activity on an email list is a reliable indicator of how widely used, or how 
"dead" a particular technology is.

I think lists like this will have the highest activity when a technology is a.) 
relatively new, and b.) growing rapidly in adoption. Under those circumstances, 
a good portion of the developers/users are unseasoned and unfamiliar, so they 
turn to email lists for help. Kind of like it was with Java and J2EE (Servlets, 
EJB's EARs, etc.) between, say, 1997 and 2001. All of the Java lists I once 
subscribed to (and probably still do) are now dead. But Java, and JEE, are 
obviously far from dead. It's just that anyone who is now new to Java 
development probably has ready access to seasoned experts on their own team. Or 
they can find answers through google because the lists are indexed or the 
questions have already been answered on stackoverflow.

From: "Brendan Meutzner [flexcoders]" 

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

In my world of enterprise development Flex is still alive and well... Obviously 
different approaches for mobile development (gaming or non) which are better 
but as far as the desktop goes Flex is still "the solution of choice" for my 
needs.  Yeah, obviously the lists died and we are never going to see Flash 
adopted on mobile devices or tablets through the player, but there is still 
definitely a niche for Flex and native applications developed in it.
On Sep 23, 2015 9:41 AM, "Dave Glasser<> [flexcoders]">> wrote:

You must live in a different world than I do, because my world did not "hold 
its breath for Apple putting the Flash Player in iOS."

And Flash/Flex-based apps run fine on both iOS and Android, with little or no 

From: "Julian Tenney<> 
To: "<>">>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:30 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

Well, there was a  time when the world held its breath for Apple putting the 
Flash Player in iOS. Is didn’t, and the flash and flex lists died. Just my 

Now we have browser automagically preventing flash, facebook asking for it to 
be removed etc etc. Most people have moved away from it.

Sent: 23 September 2015 15:28
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

That's news to me, that Apple "won the battle of the Flash Player." I have an 
iOS Flex app in the Apple App Store. And the Flash player is probably still 
installed in about 97% of desktop browsers.

From: "Julian Tenney<> 
To: "<>">>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen is the speed with which all the 
flash and flex developers abandoned the tools once it was clear that Apple had 
won the battle of the Flash player.

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Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]

And further to your point, I think it's naive for someone to assume that 
activity on an email list is a reliable indicator of how widely used, or how 
"dead" a particular technology is.
I think lists like this will have the highest activity when a technology is a.) 
relatively new, and b.) growing rapidly in adoption. Under those circumstances, 
a good portion of the developers/users are unseasoned and unfamiliar, so they 
turn to email lists for help. Kind of like it was with Java and J2EE (Servlets, 
EJB's EARs, etc.) between, say, 1997 and 2001. All of the Java lists I once 
subscribed to (and probably still do) are now dead. But Java, and JEE, are 
obviously far from dead. It's just that anyone who is now new to Java 
development probably has ready access to seasoned experts on their own team. Or 
they can find answers through google because the lists are indexed or the 
questions have already been answered on stackoverflow.

  From: "Brendan Meutzner [flexcoders]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11
#yiv4142265442 #yiv4142265442 -- #yiv4142265442 
 solid black;height:62px;width:62px;}#yiv4142265442 
div.yiv4142265442photo-title a, #yiv4142265442 div.yiv4142265442photo-title 
a:active, #yiv4142265442 div.yiv4142265442photo-title a:hover, #yiv4142265442 
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{clear:both;}#yiv4142265442 div.yiv4142265442attach-table 
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div.yiv4142265442attach-row div div span {font-weight:normal;}#yiv4142265442 
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#yiv4142265442 #yiv4142265442 #yiv4142265442 --#yiv4142265442ygrp-mkp 
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10px;}#yiv4142265442 #yiv4142265442ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;}#yiv4142265442 #yiv4142265442ygrp-mkp #yiv4142265442hd 
0;}#yiv4142265442 #yiv4142265442ygrp-mkp #yiv4142265442ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4142265442 #yiv4142265442ygrp-mkp .yiv4142265442ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv4142265442 #yiv4142265442ygrp-mkp .yiv4142265442ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv4142265442 #yiv4142265442ygrp-mkp .yiv4142265442ad a 

In my world of enterprise development Flex is still alive and well... Obviously 
different approaches for mobile development (gaming or non) which are better 
but as far as the desktop goes Flex is still "the solution of choice" for my 
needs.  Yeah, obviously the lists died and we are never going to see Flash 
adopted on mobile devices or tablets through the player, but there is still 
definitely a niche for Flex and native applications developed in it.
On Sep 23, 2015 9:41 AM, "Dave Glasser [flexcoders]" 

You must live in a different world than I do, because my world did not "hold 
its breath for Apple putting the Flash Player in iOS."
And Flash/Flex-based apps run fine on both iOS and Android, with little or no 

  From: "Julian Tenney [flexcoders]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:30 AM
 Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

Well, there was a  time when the world held its breath for Apple putting the 
Flash Player in iOS. Is didn’t, and the flash and flex lists died. Just my 
experience.    Now we have browser automagically preventing flash, facebook 
asking for it to be removed etc etc. Most people have moved away from it.    
From: []
Sent: 23 September 2015 15:28
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11       
   That's news to me, that Apple "won the battle of the Flash Player." I have 
an iOS Flex app in the Apple App Store. And the Flash player is probably still 
installed in about 97% of desktop browsers.    From: "Julian [flexcoders]" 
To: "" 
Sent: Wednesday, Sep

Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Paul Hastings [flexcoders]
On 9/24/2015 12:15 AM, Tom McNeer [flexcoders] wrote:
> ignoring the snotty emails about Flex and ColdFusion, what does the actual

and that this list is mostly a ghost town. better off on the apache one though 
this seems like a cf issue so maybe SO or the adobe forums.

cf's alive & kicking and so is apache flex.

run it from an html form pointing at the same cf page & see what the cf11 
is actually spitting out. and as suggested DEBUG the flex side of things, what 
exactly is the error (though if you're running a debug player you should have 
seen any errors by now).

Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Tom McNeer [flexcoders]
ignoring the snotty emails about Flex and ColdFusion, what does the actual
response look like coming back from your ColdFusion page, when you view it
in Charles or a similar proxy?

And what do you see when you set a breakpoint in uploadDataComplete()?

It would seem the XML response is not what it once was, so you need to
examine it.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 9:04 AM, [flexcoders] <> wrote:

> Anyone out there with a solution to this issue? i have been using that
> code for so long and it worked perfectly. But now for some reason the
> uploaded file name doesn't appear in the textinput even if the file is
> actually uploaded onto the server



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Julian Tenney [flexcoders]
To each their own.


From: []
Sent: 23 September 2015 16:36
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

What does this have to do with helping the original poster with his issue?

But, just because I don’t like Trolls who bash Flash or anything else just to 
try to show their superior intellect and insufferable opinions, if “most 
people” aren’t using it, Adobe wouldn’t waste money on updates for it.  They’d 
declare it dead and be done with it.  Or isn’t that the way it’s done in the UK?

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:31 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

Well, there was a  time when the world held its breath for Apple putting the 
Flash Player in iOS. Is didn’t, and the flash and flex lists died. Just my 

Now we have browser automagically preventing flash, facebook asking for it to 
be removed etc etc. Most people have moved away from it.

From: []
Sent: 23 September 2015 15:28
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

That's news to me, that Apple "won the battle of the Flash Player." I have an 
iOS Flex app in the Apple App Store. And the Flash player is probably still 
installed in about 97% of desktop browsers.

From: "Julian Tenney<> 
To: "<>">>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen is the speed with which all the 
flash and flex developers abandoned the tools once it was clear that Apple had 
won the battle of the Flash player.

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RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Thomas Sammons [flexcoders]
What does this have to do with helping the original poster with his issue?

But, just because I don’t like Trolls who bash Flash or anything else just to 
try to show their superior intellect and insufferable opinions, if “most 
people” aren’t using it, Adobe wouldn’t waste money on updates for it.  They’d 
declare it dead and be done with it.  Or isn’t that the way it’s done in the UK?

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:31 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

Well, there was a  time when the world held its breath for Apple putting the 
Flash Player in iOS. Is didn’t, and the flash and flex lists died. Just my 

Now we have browser automagically preventing flash, facebook asking for it to 
be removed etc etc. Most people have moved away from it.

From: []
Sent: 23 September 2015 15:28
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

That's news to me, that Apple "won the battle of the Flash Player." I have an 
iOS Flex app in the Apple App Store. And the Flash player is probably still 
installed in about 97% of desktop browsers.

From: "Julian Tenney<> 
To: "<>">>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen is the speed with which all the 
flash and flex developers abandoned the tools once it was clear that Apple had 
won the battle of the Flash player.

This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee

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communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as

permitted by UK legislation.

RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Julian Tenney [flexcoders]
Sure, I understand that, but in my world, elearning, I don’t have resources to 
develop more than one codebase, and I cannot have a strategy that doesn’t 
embrace the iPad, so HTML5 and JS is the answer.

It’s a great shame as I miss a proper OO language, and really liked working 
with Flex but it simply does not fly for us.

I’m also very leery about getting caught in proprietary formats as an 
ex-authorware developer, and dependent on proprietary technology (i.e. the 
flash player) is a risk I no longer want to take.

From: []
Sent: 23 September 2015 16:27
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

In my world of enterprise development Flex is still alive and well... Obviously 
different approaches for mobile development (gaming or non) which are better 
but as far as the desktop goes Flex is still "the solution of choice" for my 
needs.  Yeah, obviously the lists died and we are never going to see Flash 
adopted on mobile devices or tablets through the player, but there is still 
definitely a niche for Flex and native applications developed in it.
On Sep 23, 2015 9:41 AM, "Dave Glasser<> [flexcoders]">> wrote:

You must live in a different world than I do, because my world did not "hold 
its breath for Apple putting the Flash Player in iOS."

And Flash/Flex-based apps run fine on both iOS and Android, with little or no 

From: "Julian Tenney<> 
To: "<>">>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:30 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

Well, there was a  time when the world held its breath for Apple putting the 
Flash Player in iOS. Is didn’t, and the flash and flex lists died. Just my 

Now we have browser automagically preventing flash, facebook asking for it to 
be removed etc etc. Most people have moved away from it.

Sent: 23 September 2015 15:28
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

That's news to me, that Apple "won the battle of the Flash Player." I have an 
iOS Flex app in the Apple App Store. And the Flash player is probably still 
installed in about 97% of desktop browsers.

From: "Julian Tenney<> 
To: "<>">>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen is the speed with which all the 
flash and flex developers abandoned the tools once it was clear that Apple had 
won the battle of the Flash player.

This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee

and may contain confidential information. If you have received this

message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it.

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communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as
permitted by UK legislation.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Brendan Meutzner [flexcoders]
In my world of enterprise development Flex is still alive and well...
Obviously different approaches for mobile development (gaming or non) which
are better but as far as the desktop goes Flex is still "the solution of
choice" for my needs.  Yeah, obviously the lists died and we are never
going to see Flash adopted on mobile devices or tablets through the player,
but there is still definitely a niche for Flex and native applications
developed in it.
On Sep 23, 2015 9:41 AM, "Dave Glasser [flexcoders]" <> wrote:

> You must live in a different world than I do, because my world did not
> "hold its breath for Apple putting the Flash Player in iOS."
> And Flash/Flex-based apps run fine on both iOS and Android, with little or
> no changes.
> --
> *From:* "Julian Tenney [flexcoders]" <
> *To:* "" 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:30 AM
> *Subject:* RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion
> 11
> Well, there was a  time when the world held its breath for Apple putting
> the Flash Player in iOS. Is didn’t, and the flash and flex lists died. Just
> my experience.
> Now we have browser automagically preventing flash, facebook asking for it
> to be removed etc etc. Most people have moved away from it.
> *From:* []
> *Sent:* 23 September 2015 15:28
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion
> 11
> That's news to me, that Apple "won the battle of the Flash Player." I have
> an iOS Flex app in the Apple App Store. And the Flash player is probably
> still installed in about 97% of desktop browsers.
> --
> *From:* "Julian Tenney [flexcoders]" <
> *To:* "" 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:33 AM
> *Subject:* RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion
> 11
> One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen is the speed with which all
> the flash and flex developers abandoned the tools once it was clear that
> Apple had won the battle of the Flash player.
> This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee
> and may contain confidential information. If you have received this
> message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it.
> Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this
> message or in any attachment.  Any views or opinions expressed by the
> author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the
> University of Nottingham.
> This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an
> attachment may still contain software viruses which could damage your
> computer system, you are advised to perform your own checks. Email
> communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as
> permitted by UK legislation.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]

You must live in a different world than I do, because my world did not "hold 
its breath for Apple putting the Flash Player in iOS."
And Flash/Flex-based apps run fine on both iOS and Android, with little or no 

  From: "Julian Tenney [flexcoders]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:30 AM
 Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11
#yiv1165436180 #yiv1165436180 -- #yiv1165436180 
 solid black;height:62px;width:62px;}#yiv1165436180 
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#yiv1165436180 div.yiv1165436180underline1 
 span.yiv1165436180yshortcuts1 {font-weight:bold;}#yiv1165436180 

RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Julian Tenney [flexcoders]
Well, there was a  time when the world held its breath for Apple putting the 
Flash Player in iOS. Is didn’t, and the flash and flex lists died. Just my 

Now we have browser automagically preventing flash, facebook asking for it to 
be removed etc etc. Most people have moved away from it.

From: []
Sent: 23 September 2015 15:28
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

That's news to me, that Apple "won the battle of the Flash Player." I have an 
iOS Flex app in the Apple App Store. And the Flash player is probably still 
installed in about 97% of desktop browsers.

From: "Julian Tenney<> 
To: "<>">>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen is the speed with which all the 
flash and flex developers abandoned the tools once it was clear that Apple had 
won the battle of the Flash player.

This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee
and may contain confidential information. If you have received this
message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. 

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University of Nottingham.

This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an
attachment may still contain software viruses which could damage your
computer system, you are advised to perform your own checks. Email
communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as
permitted by UK legislation.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]

That's news to me, that Apple "won the battle of the Flash Player." I have an 
iOS Flex app in the Apple App Store. And the Flash player is probably still 
installed in about 97% of desktop browsers.

  From: "Julian Tenney [flexcoders]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:33 AM
 Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11
#yiv0242585020 #yiv0242585020 -- #yiv0242585020 
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p.yiv0242585020ad, #yiv0242585020 li.yiv0242585020ad, #yiv0242585020 
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#yiv0242585020 div.yiv0242585020underline1 
 span.yiv0242585020yshortcuts1 {font-weight:bold;}#yiv0242585020 

RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Thomas Sammons [flexcoders]
This wouldn’t have anything to do with Flex…I’m assuming the XML being returned 
just doesn’t have the message element populated, correct?  Or is nothing being 

I’d try a few things before getting all worked up…

1)  If you call the picUpload.cfm from another .cfm module is the XML 
output what you expected?

2)  I’d also probably not use the variable name “status”…it’s a pretty 
common reserved word in all languages, and since you weren’t scoping the 
variable, you might have an issue there anyway…

3)  If not, try hardcoding the XML string with the values to see what you 
get back…and be sure not to put line breaks in…


4)  As an aside, if you *must* use CFXML, try setting the returned content 
to the text/xml mime type using CFContent right after your cfprocessing 

5)  You might want to try to convert it to a string, and automatically have 
CF prepend the  XML declaration:


On a different note…
Why don’t you use CF Remoting and have Flex call a CFC method to do the upload 
and return the file name?   We don’t do URLRequests ourselves for security 
reasons, and we don’t have issues with CF11 and file uploads.

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:05 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

I think you’re the only flex developer left?

From: []
Sent: 23 September 2015 14:05
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

Anyone out there with a solution to this issue? i have been using that code for 
so long and it worked perfectly. But now for some reason the uploaded file name 
doesn't appear in the textinput even if the file is actually uploaded onto the 

This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee

and may contain confidential information. If you have received this

message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it.

Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this

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University of Nottingham.

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attachment may still contain software viruses which could damage your

computer system, you are advised to perform your own checks. Email

communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as

permitted by UK legislation.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Margo Powell [flexcoders]
You would probably get a better response if you join the mailing list at

There is a developer and a users mailing list.

There is a lot of activity going on there and someone would be able to 
answer your question there.


On 9/23/2015 9:04 AM, [flexcoders] wrote:

Anyone out there with a solution to this issue? i have been using that 
code for so long and it worked perfectly. But now for some reason the 
uploaded file name doesn't appear in the textinput even if the file is 
actually uploaded onto the server

Margo Powell
Applications Analyst/MS Computer Science

Nutrition in Medicine Project
Nutrition Education for Practicing Physicians Initiative
Department of Nutrition
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
800 Eastowne Dr, Suite 100
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
919-408-3320 ext 30


RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Julian Tenney [flexcoders]
One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen is the speed with which all the 
flash and flex developers abandoned the tools once it was clear that Apple had 
won the battle of the Flash player.

From: []
Sent: 23 September 2015 14:30
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

As Julian said, you may very well very well be the last flex developer left. 
And for that matter, the last ColdFusion developer.

It could be a server environment change that is incompatible now with either 
Flex or ColdFusion. Technologies change and move on, sorry if that doesn’t 
help. Good luck.

Jason Merrill
Instructional Technology Architect II
Bank of America  Global Technology and Operations
c: 703.302.9265

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:05 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

Anyone out there with a solution to this issue? i have been using that code for 
so long and it worked perfectly. But now for some reason the uploaded file name 
doesn't appear in the textinput even if the file is actually uploaded onto the 

This message, and any attachments, is for the intended recipient(s) only, may 
contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or proprietary and 
subject to important terms and conditions available at If you are not the intended 
recipient, please delete this message.

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message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. 

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author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the
University of Nottingham.

This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an
attachment may still contain software viruses which could damage your
computer system, you are advised to perform your own checks. Email
communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as
permitted by UK legislation.

RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread 'Merrill, Jason' [flexcoders]
As Julian said, you may very well very well be the last flex developer left. 
And for that matter, the last ColdFusion developer.

It could be a server environment change that is incompatible now with either 
Flex or ColdFusion. Technologies change and move on, sorry if that doesn’t 
help. Good luck.

Jason Merrill
Instructional Technology Architect II
Bank of America  Global Technology and Operations
c: 703.302.9265

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:05 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

Anyone out there with a solution to this issue? i have been using that code for 
so long and it worked perfectly. But now for some reason the uploaded file name 
doesn't appear in the textinput even if the file is actually uploaded onto the 

This message, and any attachments, is for the intended recipient(s) only, may 
contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or proprietary and 
subject to important terms and conditions available at   If you are not the intended 
recipient, please delete this message.

RE: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

2015-09-23 Thread Julian Tenney [flexcoders]
I think you’re the only flex developer left?

From: []
Sent: 23 September 2015 14:05
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: uploading files in flex using coldfusion 11

Anyone out there with a solution to this issue? i have been using that code for 
so long and it worked perfectly. But now for some reason the uploaded file name 
doesn't appear in the textinput even if the file is actually uploaded onto the 

This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee
and may contain confidential information. If you have received this
message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. 

Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this
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author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the
University of Nottingham.

This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an
attachment may still contain software viruses which could damage your
computer system, you are advised to perform your own checks. Email
communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as
permitted by UK legislation.

Re: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

2015-07-29 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]
Thanks again, Alex. I wasn't even aware of that list. I'll subscribe.

  From: "Alex Harui [flexcoders]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 12:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows
#yiv3312844752 #yiv3312844752 -- #yiv3312844752 
 solid black;height:62px;width:62px;}#yiv3312844752 
div.yiv3312844752photo-title a, #yiv3312844752 div.yiv3312844752photo-title 
a:active, #yiv3312844752 div.yiv3312844752photo-title a:hover, #yiv3312844752 
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{clear:both;padding:15px 0 3px 0;overflow:hidden;}#yiv3312844752 
div.yiv3312844752ygrp-file {width:30px;}#yiv3312844752 
div.yiv3312844752attach-table div.yiv3312844752attach-row div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv3312844752 div.yiv3312844752attach-table 
div.yiv3312844752attach-row div div span {font-weight:normal;}#yiv3312844752 
div.yiv3312844752ygrp-file-title {font-weight:bold;}#yiv3312844752 

Yeah, there should be per-module styles in all Apache Flex versions.
BTW, you’ll get more timely assistance by asking on the 
mailing list.
From:  on behalf of "Dave 
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 7:25 AM
To: "" 
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

 Interesting idea, I'll look into it. I'm using Flex 4.13 currently.

From: "Alex [flexcoders]" 
To: "" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

I think if each window loads a module, that module gets its own styles.  You 
might need Flex 4.6 or later for that to work.

From:  on behalf of "Dave 
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Friday, July 24, 2015 at 6:20 PM
To: "" 
Subject: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

 I'm developing a multi-window Flex/AIR desktop app.
I would very much like to be able to change CSSStyleDeclarations on a 
per-window basis. It seems that if I do:
var decl:CSSStyleDeclaration = 
The style change affects all WidgetClassName instances across all windows.
Is there some other means of accomplishing what I'm trying to accomplish? It 
would have to work with non-inheriting styles also.


Re: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

2015-07-29 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
Yeah, there should be per-module styles in all Apache Flex versions.

BTW, you’ll get more timely assistance by asking on the 
mailing list.


From:>> on behalf 
of "Dave Glasser<> [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 7:25 AM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

Interesting idea, I'll look into it. I'm using Flex 4.13 currently.

From: "Alex Harui<> [flexcoders]">>
To: "<>">>
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

I think if each window loads a module, that module gets its own styles.  You 
might need Flex 4.6 or later for that to work.


From:>> on behalf 
of "Dave Glasser<> [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Friday, July 24, 2015 at 6:20 PM
To: "<>">>
Subject: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

I'm developing a multi-window Flex/AIR desktop app.

I would very much like to be able to change CSSStyleDeclarations on a 
per-window basis. It seems that if I do:

var decl:CSSStyleDeclaration = 
decl.setStyle("widgetColor", 0xFF);

The style change affects all WidgetClassName instances across all windows.

Is there some other means of accomplishing what I'm trying to accomplish? It 
would have to work with non-inheriting styles also.

Re: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

2015-07-29 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]
Interesting idea, I'll look into it. I'm using Flex 4.13 currently.

  From: "Alex Harui [flexcoders]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 9:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows
#yiv2071966122 #yiv2071966122 -- #yiv2071966122 
 solid black;height:62px;width:62px;}#yiv2071966122 
div.yiv2071966122photo-title a, #yiv2071966122 div.yiv2071966122photo-title 
a:active, #yiv2071966122 div.yiv2071966122photo-title a:hover, #yiv2071966122 
div.yiv2071966122photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2071966122 
div.yiv2071966122attach-table div.yiv2071966122attach-row 
{clear:both;}#yiv2071966122 div.yiv2071966122attach-table 
div.yiv2071966122attach-row div {float:left;}#yiv2071966122 p 
{clear:both;padding:15px 0 3px 0;overflow:hidden;}#yiv2071966122 
div.yiv2071966122ygrp-file {width:30px;}#yiv2071966122 
div.yiv2071966122attach-table div.yiv2071966122attach-row div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2071966122 div.yiv2071966122attach-table 
div.yiv2071966122attach-row div div span {font-weight:normal;}#yiv2071966122 
div.yiv2071966122ygrp-file-title {font-weight:bold;}#yiv2071966122 

I think if each window loads a module, that module gets its own styles.  You 
might need Flex 4.6 or later for that to work.

From:  on behalf of "Dave 
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Friday, July 24, 2015 at 6:20 PM
To: "" 
Subject: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

 I'm developing a multi-window Flex/AIR desktop app.
I would very much like to be able to change CSSStyleDeclarations on a 
per-window basis. It seems that if I do:
var decl:CSSStyleDeclaration = 
The style change affects all WidgetClassName instances across all windows.
Is there some other means of accomplishing what I'm trying to accomplish? It 
would have to work with non-inheriting styles also.


Re: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

2015-07-29 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
I think if each window loads a module, that module gets its own styles.  You 
might need Flex 4.6 or later for that to work.


From:>> on behalf 
of "Dave Glasser [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "">>
Date: Friday, July 24, 2015 at 6:20 PM
To: "">>
Subject: [flexcoders] CSSStyleDeclaration in AIR app Windows

I'm developing a multi-window Flex/AIR desktop app.

I would very much like to be able to change CSSStyleDeclarations on a 
per-window basis. It seems that if I do:

var decl:CSSStyleDeclaration = 
decl.setStyle("widgetColor", 0xFF);

The style change affects all WidgetClassName instances across all windows.

Is there some other means of accomplishing what I'm trying to accomplish? It 
would have to work with non-inheriting styles also.

Re: [flexcoders] tabnavigator gets messed up

2015-07-01 Thread [flexcoders]
Thanks.  I'm working on doing that.  I can't really post the code that's 
failing, it's part of an application that's far too big to post, but have built 
a smaller example and can't seem to get it to fail.

I had been setting the selectedChild/index manually and took that out but it 
still fails.  The code only manipulates the tab contents via mx:state settings. 
 So, it's frustrating in that I don't really do anything to manipulate tab 
contents (which would have potential to be my bug).

Re: [flexcoders] tabnavigator gets messed up

2015-06-30 Thread Abhinay Dronamraju [flexcoders]
Show some code sample.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 29, 2015, at 10:04 PM, [flexcoders] 
>  wrote:
> Using FB4 with sdk4.0.
> My UI gets user details, then shows a tabbed interface.  Can view any tabs, 
> then get new user details.
> When the 2nd (and subsequent users) are chosen, the tabbed interface then is 
> messed up with the details of the 3rd tab being displayed over the top of the 
> details of the default (1st) tab.  It's just a visual representation that 
> looks wrong but it's quite messy looking.
> Any pointers on what might be causing this?

Re: [flexcoders] Query returning results based on date

2015-04-21 Thread [flexcoders]
Any help guys? i don't understand what is happening but am getting a record 
short that is the query seems to be working only that its not returning the 
record of the datePaid, only records less than the datepaid. here is my query 

 SELECT ID_biodata, quater, datePaid, amountPaid, manFees
 FROM collections
 WHERE datePaid <= 
 AND ID_biodata = 
 AND quater = 
 ORDER BY datePaid
 SELECT SUM(CAST(amountPaid as INTEGER) + CAST(manFees as INTEGER)) AS 
 FROM qBal


Re: [flexcoders] Query returning results based on date

2015-04-21 Thread [flexcoders]
Ok, i have managed to make it work by formatting the date returned from the 
user interface in this format dd/mm/, which has worked only that some 
records are left out because in access the date field has time attached to it. 
so i was wondering how i can get rid of the time element in the date from the 

 i am using access as the database

Re: [flexcoders] Query returning results based on date

2015-04-20 Thread [flexcoders]
when i try to hard code the date i get the correct result somewhat only that it 
misses a record. here is what i mean by hard coding 

 SELECT ID_biodata, quater, datePaid, amountPaid, manFees
 FROM collections
 WHERE datePaid <= DateValue('4/20/2015 0:00:00 AM')
 AND ID_biodata = 1
 AND quater = 'Quarter 1'
 ORDER BY datePaid
 SELECT SUM(CAST(amountPaid as INTEGER) + CAST(manFees as INTEGER)) AS 
 FROM qBal

 that bring's me closer to the right answer but i am comparing with different 
dates from the database so am stuck. 


Re: [flexcoders] Query returning results based on date

2015-04-20 Thread Paul Hastings [flexcoders]
On 4/20/2015 6:33 PM, [flexcoders] wrote:

> Below is my code. is there something am doing wrong? Please help.

well first off you don't need the query-of-query, you can get what you want in 
one query.

> WHERE datePaid <=  value="#parseDateTime(arguments.datePaid)#">

what's datePaid look like? parseDateTime only works with en_US locale date 

in any case, have you tried testing this in plain cf first?

Re: [flexcoders] flex calculation problem

2015-04-16 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
It could be that unless both text inputs contain strings that parse into 
numbers you’ll get funky results like NaN for empty string.

From: "<> [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 1:01 AM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] flex calculation problem

Hello, thanks for the response. i am already using a change listener on the 
text input but when i start typing in the first textinput, i don't get the 
desired result. its only when i type in both that the evnet kicks in.

Re: [flexcoders] flex calculation problem

2015-04-16 Thread [flexcoders]
Hello, thanks for the response. i am already using a change listener on the 
text input but when i start typing in the first textinput, i don't get the 
desired result. its only when i type in both that the evnet kicks in.

Re: [flexcoders] flex calculation problem

2015-04-15 Thread Abhinay Dronamraju [flexcoders]
I'm not sure if you are aware, but using a form is a better choice. To answer 
your question, use a change listener on the text input to achieve what you 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 15, 2015, at 8:12 AM, [flexcoders] 
>  wrote:
> Hello Guys, i have a small problem. i have this form where i calculated 
> updated balance based on data already available and data from 2 text inputs. 
> the result is correct but i would like that when someone types in one 
> textinput the balance is computed and then further if someone inputs a figure 
> in the second text input. below is the code i got as of now. It needs 
> improvement.
>   layout="vertical"
>   horizontalAlign="center"
>   verticalAlign="top">
> layout="vertical">
> width="113"/>
> width="126"/>
> width="126"/>
> width="126"/>
> width="126"/>

Re: [flexcoders] Print text

2015-03-13 Thread Brendan Meutzner [flexcoders]
Have you considered using a server side print functionality like Java or
ColdFusion to organize and print?  I know, for example, that ColdFusion's
CFDocument print will allow you to specify page breaks, and could be
configured to a specific height for inserting the page break to match your
print requirements.

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 7:22 AM, Jairo França [flexcoders]

> Hello,
> I need to print some text to a dot matrix printer.
> After print the text I don´t want the printer to move to next page (in
> fact, the papper is continuous).
> How can I do this? PrintJob class let me change the paper size, but I
> can´t see a custom one.
> Thanks.
> --
> Flexcoders Mailing List
> FAQ:
> Alternative FAQ location:
> Search Archives:
> Yahoo Groups Links

Re: [flexcoders] Seeking Flex Contractors

2015-03-03 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
You can try asking on the or the Apache Flex LinkedIn 

From: "">>
Reply-To: "">>
Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 6:55 AM
To: "">>
Subject: [flexcoders] Seeking Flex Contractors

I'm looking for 1 or 2 Flex contractors, located in the US or Canada, for 
remote work. Please contact me at 
if interested.

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration

2015-01-05 Thread [flexcoders]
Hi Guys, 

 I am facing issue with auto complete feature where I have replaced  
textInput.setSelection with textInput.selectRange and 
textInput.selectionBeginIndex with textInput.selectionAnchorPosition as per 
flex upgrade standard but it started strange behavior for combobox in 
application. At runtime when I type text leike "ABC" into combobox it always 
move cursor in the leftmost position and type in reverse order like "CBA". 

 Please provide some help if anyone experienced with the same issue or point me 
any solution. It would be a great help.




Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration

2014-12-30 Thread sachin sharma [flexcoders]
Hi Anas, Now in application autocomplete combo box displaying text from right 
to left, if I type some text to search like ABC it shows like CBA, As I changed 
setSelection to selectRange , and anchor position as per flex 4 upgrade. But 
auto complete combobox is not working properly, Please help if you have 
experienced the same.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration

2014-12-14 Thread Anas [flexcoders]

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration

2014-12-13 Thread sachin sharma [flexcoders]
Hi Anas,

Thanks for advise, I have migrated application successfully to 4.6, it is 
working fine now. Now looking at performance issues as it is not working fine 
in IE8.0, all other broswers are fine with this.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration

2014-12-08 Thread Anas [flexcoders]

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration

2014-12-04 Thread sachin sharma [flexcoders]
Hi Guys,

After converting application to sdk 4.6 and compiled the flex application and 
got this errors, could u please provide solution for this. I searched on google 
but no luck. It would be great help if you can point me to right direction

VerifyError: Error #1014: Class IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent could not be 


VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.flash::UIMovieClip could not be found.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration

2014-11-29 Thread sachin sharma [flexcoders]
Thanks anas naeem, It is really a very helpful information for me.

 On Friday, 28 November 2014 7:16 AM, "anas naeem 
[flexcoders]"  wrote:

     Hi Sachin,

Transition from 3.6 to 4.6 is not very complex nor its too easy what I mean to 
say is that there are somethings that you need to consider while you are moving 
to higher end versions of Flex SDK. 

1. Flex 4 supports a spark skinning architecture which may sound complex for 
anyone new to it , if you are largely depending upon css based 
development/tweaking of your custom or native flex components then you it may 
not help you alot though you can use css also but there are some components in 
flex where css rules may not apply like Group/VGroup/HGroup as in skinning 
where you have the full liberty to change the full UI of the built-in 
components under Adobe's terms and conditions at the same time you may find it 
quite complex in maintaining your skins if you have no prior knowledge of 
skinning so I should recommend you that you should get some knowledge on it 

You might need to change or configure your themes accordingly like Halo , Spark 
etc etc. 

2.Regarding your service layer things may remain the same as they are currently 
with your current SDK version you may have to change one or two things but 
nothing very much is required at this end.

3. Data model will also not get much effected in transition but you will need 
to be careful while using advance data components of Flex like Advanced Data 
Grid OLAP datagrid.

4. Good support with backward compatibility and earlier versions of flex. Flex 
4 supports full backward compatibility of your components you may only need to 
change the Application tag of your project according new Flex 4 based and rest 
is good to go. 

5. Localization- this would almost remain same no special things required.

Note: These were a few things that I considered or encountered in my experience 
while I was taking my product to higher level SDK in flex but these are not all 
the things you may need to do some more Google on it. As these are some things 
that are normally considered on first priority in transition phase but remember 
they are not the all.

You can further read these 2 very informative and good articles


On Thu, 11/27/14, sachin sharma [flexcoders] 

Subject: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration
 To: "" 
 Date: Thursday, November 27, 2014, 7:35 PM
 Has any
 one done migration from Flex 3 to 4, If so could you please
 share your experience where as I need to know what things
 need to be taken care of during migration and where to
  #yiv2721068956 #yiv2721068956 -- #yiv2721068956ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2721068956 
#yiv2721068956ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2721068956 
#yiv2721068956ygrp-mkp #yiv2721068956hd 
0;}#yiv2721068956 #yiv2721068956ygrp-mkp #yiv2721068956ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2721068956 #yiv2721068956ygrp-mkp .yiv2721068956ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2721068956 #yiv2721068956ygrp-mkp .yiv2721068956ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2721068956 #yiv2721068956ygrp-mkp .yiv2721068956ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2721068956 #yiv2721068956ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2721068956ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2721068956 
#yiv2721068956ygrp-sponsor #yiv2721068956ygrp-lc #yiv2721068956hd {margin:10px 
#yiv2721068956ygrp-sponsor #yiv2721068956ygrp-lc .yiv2721068956ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv2721068956 #yiv2721068956actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv2721068956 
 #yiv2721068956activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv2721068956 
#yiv2721068956activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv2721068956 #yiv2721068956activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2721068956 #yiv2721068956activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2721068956 #yiv2721068956activity span 
.yiv2721068956underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2721068956 

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration

2014-11-28 Thread anas naeem [flexcoders]
Hi Sachin,

Transition from 3.6 to 4.6  is not very complex nor its too easy what I mean to 
say is that there are somethings that you need to consider while you are moving 
to higher end versions of Flex SDK. 

1. Flex 4 supports a spark skinning architecture which may sound complex for 
anyone new to it , if you are largely depending upon css based 
development/tweaking of your custom or native flex components then you it may 
not help you alot though you can use css also but there are some components in 
flex where css rules may not apply like Group/VGroup/HGroup as in skinning 
where you have the full liberty to change the full UI of the built-in 
components under Adobe's terms and conditions at the same time you may find it 
quite complex in maintaining your skins if you have no prior knowledge of 
skinning so I should recommend you that you should get some knowledge on it 

You might need to change or configure your themes accordingly like Halo , Spark 
etc etc. 

2.Regarding your service layer things may remain the same as they are currently 
with your current SDK version you may have to change one or two things but 
nothing very much is required at this end.

3. Data model will also not get much effected in transition but you will need 
to be careful while using advance data components of Flex like Advanced Data 
Grid OLAP datagrid.

4. Good support with backward compatibility and earlier versions of flex. Flex 
4 supports full backward compatibility of your components you may only need to 
change the Application tag of your project according new Flex 4 based and rest 
is good to go. 

5. Localization- this would almost remain same no special things required.

Note: These were a few things that I considered or encountered in my experience 
while I was taking my product to higher level SDK in flex but these are not all 
the things you may need to do some more Google on it. As these are some things 
that are normally considered on first priority in transition phase but remember 
they are not the all.

You can further read these 2 very informative and good articles


On Thu, 11/27/14, sachin sharma [flexcoders] 

 Subject: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration
 To: "" 
 Date: Thursday, November 27, 2014, 7:35 PM
 Has any
 one done migration from Flex 3 to 4, If so could you please
 share your experience where as I need to know what things
 need to be taken care of during migration and where to

Re: [flexcoders] Which AIR SDK to use with Flex?

2014-11-08 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
The main issue is, as suggested, that ASC2.0 is not certified to compile MXML, 
only AS.

If it worked in Ant, I’d guess you loaded the Flex SDK’s ant tasks which would 
run the Flex SDKs compiler.


From: "<>">>
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 6:23 AM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Which AIR SDK to use with Flex?

Mark, thanks for the reply.

I don't use Flex builder, just Apache ant and the Flex and AIR SDKs. I was able 
to build the Flex/iOS app with both versions of the SDK in their 
default configurations, so I guess the one with the new compiler uses the old 
one by default. (At least from the command line.)  I'm going to stick with the 
SDK without the new compiler though, just to be on the safe side.

On Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:39 AM, "'Mark R. Jonkman'<> [flexcoders]">> wrote:

I’m guessing it mostly has to do with mxml compiling. The old compiler would 
have to handle both types of input – ActionScript and MXML and generate 
ActionScript code based on the MXML and then generate the final product. If 
your Adobe and you no longer support MXML yourself then there is no reason to 
keep it around in future generations of the compiler – especially where speed 
becomes an issue.

I hit a lot of problems this week with the new fast compiler. AIR SDK 15 
switched from using the legacy compiler to the new fast compiler as its default 
compiler. My project uses just a small portion of the FLEX framework – just 
enough stuff to connect with the backend server running BlazeDS and sending 
stuff over AMF. As a matter of fact we actually put the classes we used into 
our own project and as far as we knew, no longer linked against any of the Flex 
framework SWCs. However after the switch to the new AIR SDK 15 the project 
started blowing chunks. It would not find about 8 interfaces and classes from 
the Flex framework.  Eventually I traced it down to possible being the swc 
cache that Flash Builder stores in the workspace .metadata folder (I think). I 
deleted all the files in the swc  cache and the errors finally went away. It 
took hours to track that down. Then I finally got the project compile into an 
iOS IPA file and installed it on my iPad – crash after a few seconds of 
running. AIR simulator no problem, iOS Simulator no problem. But a debug or 
release runtime and crash.. Then I realized that they had changed the default 
compiler to the fast, switched back to the legacy AOT compiler and everything 
worked perfectly.

Unfortunately if iOS is your target you have almost no choice but to upgrade to 
AIR SDK 15. Apple changed the requirements for uploading and all the old SDKs 
will not produce an IPA that will be accepted (unless you experiment with 
changing the linker and that sounded more like Voodoo then a long term 
solution). And the AIR SDK must be the one from at least Oct 14, 2014.

If you did not already know – The AIR SDK is located in two places one is the 
Flash Builder 4.7/eclipse/plugin folder (Used by ActionScript projects) and the 
other is in the Flash Builder 4.7/sdks folder. The plugin folder is for 
ActionScript only projects and the other in the sdk folder is for Flex 
projects. At least as near as I can determine.

I would download the default AIR SDK to use with any ActionScript projects – 
it’s the SDK that gets put into the eclipse/plugin/actionscript compiler…. 

For Flex projects, download the alternative and drop it into the sdks/4.6.0 
folder in Flash Builder.

This way you have both compilers setup and useable based on the type of project 
your working on.

If you hit the same situation I did with iOS output, then on the project 
settings, iOS settings – click customize launch button, click add parameter, 
enter –useLegacyAOT for name and for value enter yes. Then click the before.. 
radio button and choose –provisioning_profile (or something like that). I don’t 
have my work computer open so I might be off on a couple of name of the before 
radio button and the entery in the drop down list – but it’s the only entry 
with provision profile or similar in the name.

Mark R. Jonkman

Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Which AIR SDK to use with Flex? [1 Attachment]


Re: [flexcoders] Re: downlaoding a file in flex.

2014-11-06 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]

Doing this:var url:String="documents/" + 
will handle cases where the document name contains special characters that 
would break the URL.

 On Thursday, November 6, 2014 9:14 AM, "Jim Hayes 
[flexcoders]"  wrote:

 #yiv1014466686 #yiv1014466686 -- #yiv1014466686 
 solid black;height:62px;width:62px;}#yiv1014466686 
div.yiv1014466686photo-title a, #yiv1014466686 div.yiv1014466686photo-title 
a:active, #yiv1014466686 div.yiv1014466686photo-title a:hover, #yiv1014466686 
div.yiv1014466686photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1014466686 
div.yiv1014466686attach-table div.yiv1014466686attach-row 
{clear:both;}#yiv1014466686 div.yiv1014466686attach-table 
div.yiv1014466686attach-row div {float:left;}#yiv1014466686 p 
{clear:both;padding:15px 0 3px 0;overflow:hidden;}#yiv1014466686 
div.yiv1014466686ygrp-file {width:30px;}#yiv1014466686 
div.yiv1014466686attach-table div.yiv1014466686attach-row div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv1014466686 div.yiv1014466686attach-table 
div.yiv1014466686attach-row div div span {font-weight:normal;}#yiv1014466686 
div.yiv1014466686ygrp-file-title {font-weight:bold;}#yiv1014466686 
#yiv1014466686 this line is at least one of your problems :
var url:String="documents/{docs.selectedItem.documentName}";
try something like :
var url:String="documents/" + docs.selectedItem.documentName;
That should get you closer at least.
From: []Sent: 06 November 
2014 14:02
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: downlaoding a file in flex.

 Sorry guys, am really sorry. this is the error it shows "
HTTP Status 404 - 
"#yiv1014466686 #yiv1014466686 --#yiv1014466686ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1014466686 
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0;}#yiv1014466686 #yiv1014466686ygrp-mkp #yiv1014466686ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv1014466686 #yiv1014466686ygrp-mkp .yiv1014466686ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv1014466686 #yiv1014466686ygrp-mkp .yiv1014466686ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv1014466686 #yiv1014466686ygrp-mkp .yiv1014466686ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1014466686 #yiv1014466686ygrp-sponsor 
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{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1014466686 #yiv1014466686activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv1014466686 #yiv1014466686activity span 
.yiv1014466686underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv1014466686 
0;width:400px;}#yiv1014466686 .yiv1014466686attach div a 
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{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv1014466686 .yiv1014466686attach label 
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4px;}#yiv1014466686 .yiv1014466686bold 
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p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1014466686 dd.yiv1014466686last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1014466686 
dd.yiv1014466686last p span.yiv1014466686yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv1014466686 div.yiv1014466686attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv1014466686 div.yiv1014466686attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv1014466686 div.yiv1014466686file-title a, #yiv1014466686 
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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1014466686 div.yiv1014466686photo-title a, 
#yiv1014466686 div.yiv1014466686photo-title a:active, #yiv1014466686 

RE: [flexcoders] Re: downlaoding a file in flex.

2014-11-06 Thread Jim Hayes [flexcoders]
this line is at least one of your problems :

var url:String="documents/{docs.selectedItem.documentName}";

try something like :

var url:String="documents/" + docs.selectedItem.documentName;

That should get you closer at least.

From: []
Sent: 06 November 2014 14:02
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: downlaoding a file in flex.

Sorry guys, am really sorry. this is the error it shows "

HTTP Status 404 - 

Re: [flexcoders] Re: downlaoding a file in flex.

2014-11-06 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]
I don't mean to be rude, but does it not occur to you that the actual text of 
the error message might be important in diagnosing your problem?
In your initial request for help, you didn't even bother to mention the problem 
was "concerning the path".
Stinasius, I'd like to help you, but if it requires dragging the needed 
information out of you, I'm afraid I don't have time, or the inclination.
Good luck.

 On Thursday, November 6, 2014 8:38 AM, " [flexcoders]" 

 #yiv5947529375 #yiv5947529375 -- #yiv5947529375 
 solid black;height:62px;width:62px;}#yiv5947529375 
div.yiv5947529375photo-title a, #yiv5947529375 div.yiv5947529375photo-title 
a:active, #yiv5947529375 div.yiv5947529375photo-title a:hover, #yiv5947529375 
div.yiv5947529375photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv5947529375 
div.yiv5947529375attach-table div.yiv5947529375attach-row 
{clear:both;}#yiv5947529375 div.yiv5947529375attach-table 
div.yiv5947529375attach-row div {float:left;}#yiv5947529375 p 
{clear:both;padding:15px 0 3px 0;overflow:hidden;}#yiv5947529375 
div.yiv5947529375ygrp-file {width:30px;}#yiv5947529375 
div.yiv5947529375attach-table div.yiv5947529375attach-row div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv5947529375 div.yiv5947529375attach-table 
div.yiv5947529375attach-row div div span {font-weight:normal;}#yiv5947529375 
div.yiv5947529375ygrp-file-title {font-weight:bold;}#yiv5947529375 
#yiv5947529375 #yiv5947529375 #yiv5947529375 --#yiv5947529375ygrp-mkp 
{border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 
10px;}#yiv5947529375 #yiv5947529375ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;}#yiv5947529375 #yiv5947529375ygrp-mkp #yiv5947529375hd 
0;}#yiv5947529375 #yiv5947529375ygrp-mkp #yiv5947529375ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv5947529375 #yiv5947529375ygrp-mkp .yiv5947529375ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv5947529375 #yiv5947529375ygrp-mkp .yiv5947529375ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv5947529375 #yiv5947529375ygrp-mkp .yiv5947529375ad a 

when i click the download button, i get an error, concerning the path. 


Re: [flexcoders] Re: downlaoding a file in flex.

2014-11-06 Thread Brendan Meutzner [flexcoders]
And what does the error message say exactly?  You need to be more
descriptive in order to help you.
 On Nov 6, 2014 7:38 AM, " [flexcoders]" <> wrote:

> when i click the download button, i get an error, concerning the path.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: downlaoding a file in flex.

2014-11-06 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]
What do do you mean by "not working"?

 On Thursday, November 6, 2014 4:20 AM, " [flexcoders]" 


Any help guys?


Re: [flexcoders] Which AIR SDK to use with Flex?

2014-10-25 Thread Mark Jonkman [flexcoders]
If you can also add the command line option -useLegacyAOT yes to make sure. The 
issues with new compiler 'fast compiler' seem to be with overridden methods not 
having same number of parameters and using swcs compiled with older versions of 
the compiler. So your mileage may vary from mine or others depending on your 

My project is huge so it would take hours to unwind issues caused by the fast 
compiler. Though my iOS builds which average 30min went down to 15 min with new 


> On Oct 25, 2014, at 10:23 AM, "Dave Glasser [flexcoders]" 
>  wrote:
> Mark, thanks for the reply. 
> I don't use Flex builder, just Apache ant and the Flex and AIR SDKs. I was 
> able to build the Flex/iOS app with both versions of the SDK in 
> their default configurations, so I guess the one with the new compiler uses 
> the old one by default. (At least from the command line.)  I'm going to stick 
> with the SDK without the new compiler though, just to be on the safe side.
> On Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:39 AM, "'Mark R. Jonkman' 
> [flexcoders]"  wrote:
> I’m guessing it mostly has to do with mxml compiling. The old compiler would 
> have to handle both types of input – ActionScript and MXML and generate 
> ActionScript code based on the MXML and then generate the final product. If 
> your Adobe and you no longer support MXML yourself then there is no reason to 
> keep it around in future generations of the compiler – especially where speed 
> becomes an issue.
> I hit a lot of problems this week with the new fast compiler. AIR SDK 15 
> switched from using the legacy compiler to the new fast compiler as its 
> default compiler. My project uses just a small portion of the FLEX framework 
> – just enough stuff to connect with the backend server running BlazeDS and 
> sending stuff over AMF. As a matter of fact we actually put the classes we 
> used into our own project and as far as we knew, no longer linked against any 
> of the Flex framework SWCs. However after the switch to the new AIR SDK 15 
> the project started blowing chunks. It would not find about 8 interfaces and 
> classes from the Flex framework.  Eventually I traced it down to possible 
> being the swc cache that Flash Builder stores in the workspace .metadata 
> folder (I think). I deleted all the files in the swc  cache and the errors 
> finally went away. It took hours to track that down. Then I finally got the 
> project compile into an iOS IPA file and installed it on my iPad – crash 
> after a few seconds of running. AIR simulator no problem, iOS Simulator no 
> problem. But a debug or release runtime and crash.. Then I realized that they 
> had changed the default compiler to the fast, switched back to the legacy AOT 
> compiler and everything worked perfectly.
> Unfortunately if iOS is your target you have almost no choice but to upgrade 
> to AIR SDK 15. Apple changed the requirements for uploading and all the old 
> SDKs will not produce an IPA that will be accepted (unless you experiment 
> with changing the linker and that sounded more like Voodoo then a long term 
> solution). And the AIR SDK must be the one from at least Oct 14, 2014.
> If you did not already know – The AIR SDK is located in two places one is the 
> Flash Builder 4.7/eclipse/plugin folder (Used by ActionScript projects) and 
> the other is in the Flash Builder 4.7/sdks folder. The plugin folder is for 
> ActionScript only projects and the other in the sdk folder is for Flex 
> projects. At least as near as I can determine.
> I would download the default AIR SDK to use with any ActionScript projects – 
> it’s the SDK that gets put into the eclipse/plugin/actionscript compiler…. 
> Location.
> For Flex projects, download the alternative and drop it into the sdks/4.6.0 
> folder in Flash Builder.
> This way you have both compilers setup and useable based on the type of 
> project your working on.
> If you hit the same situation I did with iOS output, then on the project 
> settings, iOS settings – click customize launch button, click add parameter, 
> enter –useLegacyAOT for name and for value enter yes. Then click the before.. 
> radio button and choose –provisioning_profile (or something like that). I 
> don’t have my work computer open so I might be off on a couple of name of the 
> before radio button and the entery in the drop down list – but it’s the only 
> entry with provision profile or similar in the name.
> Sincerely
> Mark R. Jonkman
> From: [] 
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 12

Re: [flexcoders] Which AIR SDK to use with Flex?

2014-10-25 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]
witched back to the legacy AOT compiler and 
everything worked perfectly.   Unfortunately if iOS is your target you have 
almost no choice but to upgrade to AIR SDK 15. Apple changed the requirements 
for uploading and all the old SDKs will not produce an IPA that will be 
accepted (unless you experiment with changing the linker and that sounded more 
like Voodoo then a long term solution). And the AIR SDK must be the one from at 
least Oct 14, 2014.   If you did not already know – The AIR SDK is located in 
two places one is the Flash Builder 4.7/eclipse/plugin folder (Used by 
ActionScript projects) and the other is in the Flash Builder 4.7/sdks folder. 
The plugin folder is for ActionScript only projects and the other in the sdk 
folder is for Flex projects. At least as near as I can determine.  I would 
download the default AIR SDK to use with any ActionScript projects – it’s the 
SDK that gets put into the eclipse/plugin/actionscript compiler…. Location.  
For Flex projects, download the alternative and drop it into the sdks/4.6.0 
folder in Flash Builder.   This way you have both compilers setup and useable 
based on the type of project your working on.  If you hit the same situation I 
did with iOS output, then on the project settings, iOS settings – click 
customize launch button, click add parameter, enter –useLegacyAOT for name and 
for value enter yes. Then click the before.. radio button and choose 
–provisioning_profile (or something like that). I don’t have my work computer 
open so I might be off on a couple of name of the before radio button and the 
entery in the drop down list – but it’s the only entry with provision profile 
or similar in the name.  Sincerely
Mark R. Jonkman  From: 
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Which AIR SDK to use with Flex? [1 Attachment]  
[Attachment(s) from Dave Glasser included below] 

  From the PDF I gather that you can't build Flex apps with the AIR SDK, which 
makes sense. But the notice on the page suggests that you should not package 
Flex Apps as AIR apps using the full AIR SDK, but rather the stripped down AIR 
SDK. I tried using the ADT from the full AIR SDK to package my Flex app for iOS 
and it works. So I'm wondering why Adobe has a separate AIR SDK for Flex apps. 
I wouldn't think the minor difference in download file sizes would be the sole 
reason.  On Thursday, October 23, 2014 12:20 PM, "John McCormack [flexcoders]"  wrote:  
[Attachment(s) from John McCormack included below] The link "Read the 
ActionScript Compiler 2.0 (PDF, 20Kb)"
explains that "... it does not support mxmlccompccompiling Flex applications"

Maybe its because some of Flex code is now run by Apache Foundation.


On 23/10/2014 16:26, Dave Glasser [flexcoders] wrote:On the 
download page for the AIR SDK:    It says:  Note: Flex 
users will need to download the original AIR SDK without the new compiler.  and 
provides separate links to SDKs that are about 15% smaller.  Does anyone know 
the reasoning behind this?  Are there compatibility reasons not to use the main 
AIR SDK that has a compiler? I'm still compiling my SWF with the compiler from 
the Flex SDK.  




RE: [flexcoders] Which AIR SDK to use with Flex?

2014-10-25 Thread 'Mark R. Jonkman' [flexcoders]
I’m guessing it mostly has to do with mxml compiling. The old compiler would 
have to handle both types of input – ActionScript and MXML and generate 
ActionScript code based on the MXML and then generate the final product. If 
your Adobe and you no longer support MXML yourself then there is no reason to 
keep it around in future generations of the compiler – especially where speed 
becomes an issue. 


I hit a lot of problems this week with the new fast compiler. AIR SDK 15 
switched from using the legacy compiler to the new fast compiler as its default 
compiler. My project uses just a small portion of the FLEX framework – just 
enough stuff to connect with the backend server running BlazeDS and sending 
stuff over AMF. As a matter of fact we actually put the classes we used into 
our own project and as far as we knew, no longer linked against any of the Flex 
framework SWCs. However after the switch to the new AIR SDK 15 the project 
started blowing chunks. It would not find about 8 interfaces and classes from 
the Flex framework.  Eventually I traced it down to possible being the swc 
cache that Flash Builder stores in the workspace .metadata folder (I think). I 
deleted all the files in the swc  cache and the errors finally went away. It 
took hours to track that down. Then I finally got the project compile into an 
iOS IPA file and installed it on my iPad – crash after a few seconds of 
running. AIR simulator no problem, iOS Simulator no problem. But a debug or 
release runtime and crash.. Then I realized that they had changed the default 
compiler to the fast, switched back to the legacy AOT compiler and everything 
worked perfectly. 


Unfortunately if iOS is your target you have almost no choice but to upgrade to 
AIR SDK 15. Apple changed the requirements for uploading and all the old SDKs 
will not produce an IPA that will be accepted (unless you experiment with 
changing the linker and that sounded more like Voodoo then a long term 
solution). And the AIR SDK must be the one from at least Oct 14, 2014. 


If you did not already know – The AIR SDK is located in two places one is the 
Flash Builder 4.7/eclipse/plugin folder (Used by ActionScript projects) and the 
other is in the Flash Builder 4.7/sdks folder. The plugin folder is for 
ActionScript only projects and the other in the sdk folder is for Flex 
projects. At least as near as I can determine.


I would download the default AIR SDK to use with any ActionScript projects – 
it’s the SDK that gets put into the eclipse/plugin/actionscript compiler…. 


For Flex projects, download the alternative and drop it into the sdks/4.6.0 
folder in Flash Builder. 


This way you have both compilers setup and useable based on the type of project 
your working on.


If you hit the same situation I did with iOS output, then on the project 
settings, iOS settings – click customize launch button, click add parameter, 
enter –useLegacyAOT for name and for value enter yes. Then click the before.. 
radio button and choose –provisioning_profile (or something like that). I don’t 
have my work computer open so I might be off on a couple of name of the before 
radio button and the entery in the drop down list – but it’s the only entry 
with provision profile or similar in the name.


Mark R. Jonkman


From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Which AIR SDK to use with Flex? [1 Attachment]


[Attachment(s) from Dave Glasser included below] 


>From the PDF I gather that you can't build Flex apps with the AIR SDK, which 
>makes sense. But the notice on the page suggests that you should not package 
>Flex Apps as AIR apps using the full AIR SDK, but rather the stripped down AIR 
>SDK. I tried using the ADT from the full AIR SDK to package my Flex app for 
>iOS and it works. So I'm wondering why Adobe has a separate AIR SDK for Flex 
>apps. I wouldn't think the minor difference in download file sizes would be 
>the sole reason.


On Thursday, October 23, 2014 12:20 PM, "John McCormack 
[flexcoders]"  wrote:


[ <> 
Attachment(s) from John McCormack included below] 

The link "Read the ActionScript Compiler 2.0 (PDF, 20Kb) 
explains that "... it does not support 



compiling Flex applications"

Maybe its because some of Flex code is now run by Apache Foundation.


On 23/10/2014 16:26, Dave Glasser [flexcoders] wrote:

On the download page for the AIR SDK:



It says:


Note: Flex users will need to down

Re: [flexcoders] Which AIR SDK to use with Flex? [1 Attachment]

2014-10-23 Thread Dave Glasser [flexcoders]

>From the PDF I gather that you can't build Flex apps with the AIR SDK, which 
>makes sense. But the notice on the page suggests that you should not package 
>Flex Apps as AIR apps using the full AIR SDK, but rather the stripped down AIR 
>SDK. I tried using the ADT from the full AIR SDK to package my Flex app for 
>iOS and it works. So I'm wondering why Adobe has a separate AIR SDK for Flex 
>apps. I wouldn't think the minor difference in download file sizes would be 
>the sole reason. 

 On Thursday, October 23, 2014 12:20 PM, "John McCormack [flexcoders]"  wrote:

 #yiv2173584811 #yiv2173584811 -- #yiv2173584811 
 solid black;height:62px;width:62px;}#yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811photo-title a, #yiv2173584811 div.yiv2173584811photo-title 
a:active, #yiv2173584811 div.yiv2173584811photo-title a:hover, #yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811attach-table div.yiv2173584811attach-row 
{clear:both;}#yiv2173584811 div.yiv2173584811attach-table 
div.yiv2173584811attach-row div {float:left;}#yiv2173584811 p 
{clear:both;padding:15px 0 3px 0;overflow:hidden;}#yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811ygrp-file {width:30px;}#yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811attach-table div.yiv2173584811attach-row div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2173584811 div.yiv2173584811attach-table 
div.yiv2173584811attach-row div div span {font-weight:normal;}#yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811ygrp-file-title {font-weight:bold;}#yiv2173584811 
#yiv2173584811 [Attachment(s) from John McCormack included below]

 The link "Read the ActionScript Compiler 2.0 (PDF, 20Kb)"
 explains that "... it does not support mxmlc compc compiling Flex applications"
 Maybe its because some of Flex code is now run by Apache Foundation.
 On 23/10/2014 16:26, Dave Glasser [flexcoders] wrote:
#yiv2173584811 #yiv2173584811 -- #yiv2173584811 
 solid black;height:62px;width:62px;}#yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811photo-title a, #yiv2173584811 div.yiv2173584811photo-title 
a:active, #yiv2173584811 div.yiv2173584811photo-title a:hover, #yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811attach-table div.yiv2173584811attach-row 
{clear:both;}#yiv2173584811 div.yiv2173584811attach-table 
div.yiv2173584811attach-row div {float:left;}#yiv2173584811 p 
{clear:both;padding:15px 0 3px 0;overflow:hidden;}#yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811ygrp-file {width:30px;}#yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811attach-table div.yiv2173584811attach-row div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2173584811 div.yiv2173584811attach-table 
div.yiv2173584811attach-row div div span {font-weight:normal;}#yiv2173584811 
div.yiv2173584811ygrp-file-title {font-weight:bold;}#yiv2173584811 
#yiv2173584811  On the download page for the AIR SDK:
  It says: 
  Note: Flex users will need to download the original AIR SDK without the new 
  and provides separate links to SDKs that are about 15% smaller. 
  Does anyone know the reasoning behind this?
  Are there compatibility reasons not to use the main AIR SDK that has a 
compiler? I'm still compiling my SWF with the compiler from the Flex SDK.



Re: [flexcoders] Which AIR SDK to use with Flex? [1 Attachment]

2014-10-23 Thread John McCormack [flexcoders]
The link "Read the ActionScript Compiler 2.0 (PDF, 20Kb)file 

explains that "... it does not support
compiling Flex applications"

Maybe its because some of Flex code is now run by Apache Foundation.


On 23/10/2014 16:26, Dave Glasser [flexcoders] wrote:

On the download page for the AIR SDK:

It says:

Note: Flex users will need to download the original AIR SDK without 
the new compiler.

and provides separate links to SDKs that are about 15% smaller.

Does anyone know the reasoning behind this?

Are there compatibility reasons not to use the main AIR SDK that has a 
compiler? I'm still compiling my SWF with the compiler from the Flex SDK.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: getting the sum of values in list datafield.

2014-09-02 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
Way more people are probably watching the list.  You 
might try asking for help there, and if budget permits, offering to pay someone 
to help you.


From: "<> [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 9:48 PM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: getting the sum of values in list datafield.

Hey guys, please i need help on this

Re: [flexcoders] Re: getting the sum of values in list datafield.

2014-09-02 Thread [flexcoders]
Hey guys, please i need help on this

Re: [flexcoders] Re: getting the sum of values in list datafield.

2014-09-02 Thread [flexcoders]
Hey Guys, i still haven't got it to work, plus more bigger problems, i have 
decide to split my application into modules, i each module i have an array 
collection that populates a list in each of the modules, but when i run the 
application, only data in the first module is retrieved and when i load the 
second module, the data is not retrieved (doesn't show up in the list). below 
is the code.





when i load the driversModule.mxml first, data is retrieved and data in the 
dashBoardModule.mxml is not retrieved and vise vasa Is there a problem with 
this setup?

Re: [flexcoders] Re: getting the sum of values in list datafield.

2014-09-01 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
Try debugging the logic.  Basically the principle is to call the same code that 
would be called by manipulating the UI whenever the data is first ready.

From: "<> [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2014 11:35 PM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: getting the sum of values in list datafield.

still doesn't do the trick.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: getting the sum of values in list datafield.

2014-09-01 Thread [flexcoders]
Any help guys?

Re: [flexcoders] Re: getting the sum of values in list datafield.

2014-08-31 Thread [flexcoders]
still doesn't do the trick.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: getting the sum of values in list datafield.

2014-08-31 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
Try calling filterList and maybe calculateSum in expenseResult.

From: " [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "">>
Date: Saturday, August 30, 2014 10:19 AM
To: "">>
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: getting the sum of values in list datafield.

Hello Guys i managed to get it to calculate the total based on range of dates 
thanks to your help. One thing though, when the application my List Component 
is not populated with data until i select a date from the date field. Is there 
a way to fix the problem? Below is the updated code";

! ;
< div> 

Re: [flexcoders] getting the sum of values in list datafield.

2014-08-29 Thread Scott Fanetti [flexcoders]
IMHO - you should create a separate bindable string and set the value to that 
instead of directly setting the .text property of a text field.  Your reduce 
function seems ok - just run each object through the filter function to see if 
it returns true. Only objects that return true should be added to the sum. 

You are 99% of the way there.  What is tripping you up? 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 29, 2014, at 4:55 AM, " [flexcoders]" 
>  wrote:
> Hello, i have a flex list that is populated by an arraycollection. in the 
> arraycollection i have a field subTotal and i would like to calculate the 
> subtotals from that field and pin them to a text component and i would like 
> to do that even when the list is filtered. below is my code
> layout="vertical"
> width="100%"
> height="100%"
> verticalAlign="top"
> verticalGap="0"
> paddingTop="0"
> paddingBottom="0"
> paddingLeft="0"
> paddingRight="0"
> xmlns:ns1="ascript.*"
> creationComplete="init()"
> initialize="initDate()"
> xmlns:ns2="components.*">
>   destination="ColdFusion"
>  source="moRentals.src.CFCs.crud"
>  showBusyCursor="true"
> fault="CursorManager.removeBusyCursor();">
> result="expenseResult(event)"/>
>   thousandsSeparatorTo=","
>   useThousandsSeparator="true"
>   rounding="up"
>   currencySymbol="UGX "/>
>formatString=" DD, "/>
>   width="100%"
>  height="50"
>  verticalAlign="middle"
>  verticalGap="0">
>   height="100%"
>  horizontalGap="0">
>   height="100%"
>  verticalGap="0"
>  backgroundColor="#818284"
>  horizontalAlign="center">
>   backgroundColor="#FF"
>  verticalGap="0">
>   paddingLeft="40"
>  paddingRight="45"
>  verticalAlign="middle"
>  height="66">
> click="createdaddPopup()"/>
>   paddingLeft="40"
>  paddingRight="46"
>  verticalAlign="middle"
>  height="36">
>   styleName="listLabelHeading"/>
>   styleName="listLabelHeading"/>
>   styleName="listLabelHeading"/>
>   styleName="listLabelHeading"/>
>   styleName="listLabelHeading"/>
>   styleName="listLabelHeading"/>
>   width="100%"
>  dataProvider="{expenseAr}"
>  itemRenderer="renderers.expenseListRenderer"
>  selectedIndex="0"
>  height="100%"
>  paddingBottom="0"
>  borderSkin="{null}"/>
>   backgroundColor="#0F76BB"
>  height="35"
>  verticalAlign="middle"
>  paddingLeft="20"
>  paddingRight="20">

Re: [flexcoders] getting the sum of values in list datafield.

2014-08-29 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
The code looks mostly ok.  I noticed you commented out the addEventListener 
calls for COLLECTION_CHANGE.  I'll bet it threw an error becuae expenseAr is 
null until the RemoteObject returns a result.  I would move the 
addEventLIstener call to expenseResult() method when you know expenseAr is 


From: " [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "">>
Date: Friday, August 29, 2014 1:55 AM
To: "">>
Subject: [flexcoders] getting the sum of values in list datafield.

Hello, i have a flex list that is populated by an arraycollection. in the 
arraycollection i have a field subTotal and i would like to calculate the 
subtotals from that field and pin them to a text component and i would like to 
do that even when the list is filtered. below is my code";
&n! bsp;   paddingTop="0"

&nbs! p;   

 &nbs! p;  

  &n! bsp; 

&nbs! p;

&! nbsp;   

  ! ;  

 &nb! sp;  

 ! ;   

 &n! bsp;  

 &! nbsp;&nb sp; 

&nbs! p;

 ! ;   

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-20 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
Are you saying you've tried to port this to JS and it did not run as well?

I'll try to remember this site as we work on FlexJS.


From: "Dan Pride<> 
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 4:34 AM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

Good Idea, it would be piling one hysteria on top of another so to speak ;)

 I urge you to consider I wrote this just before IE 8.
Still runs pretty good.
My first, a little embarrassing internally to me now but still.
Compare "way back then" to the future you are asking for now.
Try clicking a few lists or pictures etc

Dan Pride
1-206-313-4607 Mobile<><><>

On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:40 PM, "Alex Harui<> [flexcoders]">> wrote:

I'm going to ignore your brush fire topic, but I will address two other points:

"juice under the hood".  That is a concern for trying to emulate Flash or the 
current Flex SDK in JS since that is quite a bit of code.  But for FlexJS, if 
you look at the prototype of the JQuery wrapping, it is a thin layer written to 
implement whatever was needed to implement an AS emulation of JQuery.  So, in 
theory, if FlexJS using JQuery isn't fast enough, it probably wasn't going to 
be fast enough use JQuery either.  And that's not a problem for the Apache Flex 
project.  The browser companies know they need to get their JS implementations 
to work faster and computers and devices are getting faster.  It might be a 
problem now, but may not be in the future.

Also note that in many cases JS runs faster than AS.  In the JS code we do 
write for FlexJS we are trying to re-use code as much as possible, which is 
supposed to take advantage of the JS optimizers.  That's why FlexJS is using 
more composition instead of inheritance since AS doesn't support multiple 

"pixel-by-pixel control".  If the industry demands it, the browser 
manufacturers will deliver.  It doesn't matter for FlexJS, although it would 
probably make some things easier or faster.  Already, we've seen significant 
convergence towards "standards" in the main browsers (IE, FF, Chrome, Android, 
IOS).  Compare what we have today vs back in IE6 or even IE8.


From: "<> [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 12:05 PM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

I certainly wish you the best with the javascript implementation. But have to 
admit to strong doubts about it. No matter how many hoops you put yourself 
through you are still working without many fundamentals of advanced 
programming. There just isn't the juice under the hood, maybe with parallel 
processing, but then we are getting close to a million monkeys banging on 
typewriters til they eventually produce a novel aren't we?
I think the latest ie browser brought flash into the browser as a native 
element not a plug in. Like it or not you got it. I was stunned to hear it 
being done by MS, but its a brilliant way to bring about a correction to the 
market hysteria which dominated after Job's death, and Adobe's stupid response. 
Eventually the industry will demand pixel by pixel interface control, there 
just is no substitute equal to it by definition. After all the burning at the 
stake stuff, it will probably be called "shadow" o! r something, not flash, but 
a rose by any other name.

At the risk of creating a never ending brush fire (oh what the hey its fun 
sometimes), I wonder if some of the jump on flash and pummel it hysteria had an 
unacknowledged element of gay bashing.  Adobe, deserve it or not, like it or 
not, had quite a reputation. There was one advocate, I think it was in RTMP 
networking videos, that would insert short clips of himself getting back ended 
after about 45 minutes of mind numbing, real high end, discussion. I thought it 
was funny as hell, r

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-20 Thread Dan Pride [flexcoders]
Good Idea, it would be piling one hysteria on top of another so to speak ;)

 I urge you to consider I wrote this just before IE 8.
Still runs pretty good.
My first, a little embarrassing internally to me now but still.
Compare "way back then" to the future you are asking for now.
Try clicking a few lists or pictures etc

Dan Pride
1-206-313-4607 Mobile

On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:40 PM, "Alex Harui [flexcoders]" 

I'm going to ignore your brush fire topic, but I will address two other points:

"juice under the hood".  That is a concern for trying to emulate Flash or the 
current Flex SDK in JS since that is quite a bit of code.  But for FlexJS, if 
you look at the prototype of the JQuery wrapping, it is a thin layer written to 
implement whatever was needed to implement an AS emulation of JQuery.  So, in 
theory, if FlexJS using JQuery isn't fast enough, it probably wasn't going to 
be fast enough use JQuery either.  And that's not a problem for the Apache Flex 
project.  The browser companies know they need to get their JS implementations 
to work faster and computers and devices are getting faster.  It might be a 
problem now, but may not be in the future.

Also note that in many cases JS runs faster than AS.  In the JS code we do 
write for FlexJS we are trying to re-use code as much as possible, which is 
supposed to take advantage of the JS optimizers.  That's why FlexJS is using 
more composition instead of inheritance since AS doesn't support multiple 

"pixel-by-pixel control".  If the industry demands it, the browser 
manufacturers will deliver.  It doesn't matter for FlexJS, although it would 
probably make some things easier or faster.  Already, we've seen significant 
convergence towards "standards" in the main browsers (IE, FF, Chrome, Android, 
IOS).  Compare what we have today vs back in IE6 or even IE8.

From: " [flexcoders]" 
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 12:05 PM
To: "" 
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

I certainly wish you the best with the javascript implementation. But have to 
admit to strong doubts about it. No matter how many hoops you put yourself 
through you are still working without many fundamentals of advanced 
programming. There just isn't the juice under the hood, maybe with parallel 
processing, but then we are getting close to a million monkeys banging on 
typewriters til they eventually produce a novel aren't we? 
I think the latest ie browser brought flash into the browser as a native 
element not a plug in. Like it or not you got it. I was stunned to hear it 
being done by MS, but its a brilliant way to bring about a correction to the 
market hysteria which dominated after Job's death, and Adobe's stupid response. 
Eventually the industry will demand pixel by pixel interface control, there 
just is no substitute equal to it by definition. After all the burning at the 
stake stuff, it will probably be called "shadow" o! r something, not flash, but 
a rose by any other name.

At the risk of creating a never ending brush fire (oh what the hey its fun 
sometimes), I wonder if some of the jump on flash and pummel it hysteria had an 
unacknowledged element of gay bashing.  Adobe, deserve it or not, like it or 
not, had quite a reputation. There was one advocate, I think it was in RTMP 
networking videos, that would insert short clips of himself getting back ended 
after about 45 minutes of mind numbing, real high end, discussion. I thought it 
was funny as hell, removed the glaze from your eyes, and dropped your jaw the 
first time you saw it, but i think others were not so amused. (Hey, Kiddies 
certainly aren't going to get that far into one of these unless they are 
enrolling at Harvard at 12 or something, and I survived the experience, and 
found the fast forward button). I think the bent over man statue in front of 
the offices also h! elped with the rep issue. BUT WHO CARES ! Credit where 
credit ! is due. There were some of the most
 brilliant programmers with some of the greatest contributions by software 
developers ever. We have witnessed a modern equivalent of the Salem Witch 
trials on this one for whatever reasons, and the amusing part is that we 
actually think we are advanced beyond that.

Dan Pride

P.S. Why can't women advocates get away with this once in a while :)

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-19 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
I'm going to ignore your brush fire topic, but I will address two other points:

"juice under the hood".  That is a concern for trying to emulate Flash or the 
current Flex SDK in JS since that is quite a bit of code.  But for FlexJS, if 
you look at the prototype of the JQuery wrapping, it is a thin layer written to 
implement whatever was needed to implement an AS emulation of JQuery.  So, in 
theory, if FlexJS using JQuery isn't fast enough, it probably wasn't going to 
be fast enough use JQuery either.  And that's not a problem for the Apache Flex 
project.  The browser companies know they need to get their JS implementations 
to work faster and computers and devices are getting faster.  It might be a 
problem now, but may not be in the future.

Also note that in many cases JS runs faster than AS.  In the JS code we do 
write for FlexJS we are trying to re-use code as much as possible, which is 
supposed to take advantage of the JS optimizers.  That's why FlexJS is using 
more composition instead of inheritance since AS doesn't support multiple 

"pixel-by-pixel control".  If the industry demands it, the browser 
manufacturers will deliver.  It doesn't matter for FlexJS, although it would 
probably make some things easier or faster.  Already, we've seen significant 
convergence towards "standards" in the main browsers (IE, FF, Chrome, Android, 
IOS).  Compare what we have today vs back in IE6 or even IE8.


From: "<> [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 12:05 PM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

I certainly wish you the best with the javascript implementation. But have to 
admit to strong doubts about it. No matter how many hoops you put yourself 
through you are still working without many fundamentals of advanced 
programming. There just isn't the juice under the hood, maybe with parallel 
processing, but then we are getting close to a million monkeys banging on 
typewriters til they eventually produce a novel aren't we?

I think the latest ie browser brought flash into the browser as a native 
element not a plug in. Like it or not you got it. I was stunned to hear it 
being done by MS, but its a brilliant way to bring about a correction to the 
market hysteria which dominated after Job's death, and Adobe's stupid response. 
Eventually the industry will demand pixel by pixel interface control, there 
just is no substitute equal to it by definition. After all the burning at the 
stake stuff, it will probably be called "shadow" o! r something, not flash, but 
a rose by any other name.

At the risk of creating a never ending brush fire (oh what the hey its fun 
sometimes), I wonder if some of the jump on flash and pummel it hysteria had an 
unacknowledged element of gay bashing.  Adobe, deserve it or not, like it or 
not, had quite a reputation. There was one advocate, I think it was in RTMP 
networking videos, that would insert short clips of himself getting back ended 
after about 45 minutes of mind numbing, real high end, discussion. I thought it 
was funny as hell, removed the glaze from your eyes, and dropped your jaw the 
first time you saw it, but i think others were not so amused. (Hey, Kiddies 
certainly aren't going to get that far into one of these unless they are 
enrolling at Harvard at 12 or something, and I survived the experience, and 
found the fast forward button). I think the bent over man statue in front of 
the offices also h! elped with the rep issue. BUT WHO CARES ! Credit where 
credit ! is due. There were some of the most brilliant programmers with some of 
the greatest contributions by software developers ever. We have witnessed a 
modern equivalent of the Salem Witch trials on this one for whatever reasons, 
and the amusing part is that we actually think we are advanced beyond that.

Dan Pride

P.S. Why can't women advocates get away with this once in a while :)

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-19 Thread [flexcoders]
I certainly wish you the best with the javascript implementation. But have to 
admit to strong doubts about it. No matter how many hoops you put yourself 
through you are still working without many fundamentals of advanced 
programming. There just isn't the juice under the hood, maybe with parallel 
processing, but then we are getting close to a million monkeys banging on 
typewriters til they eventually produce a novel aren't we?  I think the latest 
ie browser brought flash into the browser as a native element not a plug in. 
Like it or not you got it. I was stunned to hear it being done by MS, but its a 
brilliant way to bring about a correction to the market hysteria which 
dominated after Job's death, and Adobe's stupid response. Eventually the 
industry will demand pixel by pixel interface control, there just is no 
substitute equal to it by definition. After all the burning at the stake stuff, 
it will probably be called "shadow" or something, not flash, but a rose by any 
other name.

 At the risk of creating a never ending brush fire (oh what the hey its fun 
sometimes), I wonder if some of the jump on flash and pummel it hysteria had an 
unacknowledged element of gay bashing.  Adobe, deserve it or not, like it or 
not, had quite a reputation. There was one advocate, I think it was in RTMP 
networking videos, that would insert short clips of himself getting back ended 
after about 45 minutes of mind numbing, real high end, discussion. I thought it 
was funny as hell, removed the glaze from your eyes, and dropped your jaw the 
first time you saw it, but i think others were not so amused. (Hey, Kiddies 
certainly aren't going to get that far into one of these unless they are 
enrolling at Harvard at 12 or something, and I survived the experience, and 
found the fast forward button). I think the bent over man statue in front of 
the offices also helped with the rep issue. BUT WHO CARES ! Credit where credit 
is due. There were some of the most brilliant programmers with some of the 
greatest contributions by software developers ever. We have witnessed a modern 
equivalent of the Salem Witch trials on this one for whatever reasons, and the 
amusing part is that we actually think we are advanced beyond that.

 Dan Pride

 P.S. Why can't women advocates get away with this once in a while :)

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-19 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
Not sure  what you mean by Flash to browser native.

I've come across 3 approaches so far:

  1.  emulate Flash in the browser.  Jangaroo and Shumway are examples.  Not 
sure how it is going for them.
  2.  Emulate the current Flex SDK in JS.  One Apache Flex committer is taking 
this approach.  The big question here is that I expect the end result to have 
lots more JS source code involved than a framework designed for cross-compiling 
like FlexJS.  But maybe the browser and minifiers can make that negligible.
  3.  FlexJS.  This is less about Flash than it is about using MXML and AS to 
cross compile to JS.  FlexJS isn't going to have the same pixel-level control 
that you got in Flash.  Only the Flash emulator folks have a true shot at it.  
But again, I offered in a previous post that many folks don't need that and 
just want to catch their bugs earlier by using a more structured language and 
tool chain.

From: "Dan Pride<> 
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Monday, August 18, 2014 4:56 PM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

Being its my 12th language I don't find JS that difficult.
I object to the design tho.
Its a completely inferior and unpredictable design approach.
My primary interests are relational database, complex relationships.
having classes etc that enable you to deal with the entire screen as a unit is 
Look there is a good reason that google is on its third try to replace 
javascript with something better.
If the movement of flash native to the browser succeeds then its eventually 
going to be game over.
Its basics. Can you relate every pixel on the screen in one unified equation 
and morph it at will mathematically.
By the way, I haven't looked lately, been knee deep in other stuff, how is the 
flash to the browser native going anyway?

Dan Pride
1-206-313-4607 Mobile<><><>

On Monday,! August 18, 2014 4:07 PM, "Scott Fanetti 
scott.fanetti@gmail.c<mailto:scott.fanetti@gmail.c>! om [flex coders]">> wrote:

Wow - I really don't think this is the forum for character assassination. I've 
been a polyglot developer and architect for 20 years.  One thing in technology 
is constant - that is change.

Adapt.  It is childish to cling to a technology like a fanboy.

Dynamic languages use different paradigms than strongly typed languages.  In 
these contexts functional styles and extension through composition are favored 
over extension through inheritance.  But these are all just tools for 
communication between the dev and the user.

The users have chosen a route that no longer needs flex/flash. That is neither 
good nor bad - it just is.

You may dislike parts of technology A and think it's inferior to technology B - 
but have you considered the notion that possibly you may be trying I hammer 
nails with a saw? You may dislike that JS does not have the type safety of AS. 
But if you are relying on type checking you are missing the boat. The compiler 
can't check if your logic is bad. It can only check that something like tab a 
is in slot b.

You still have to unit test. All the skills you bring to solve a problem are 
only marginally helped by the compiler bitching that a class does not have a 
method to support an interface.  There is nothing inherently bad about 
prototypical inheritance as opposed to class based inheritance. As a matter of 
fact you typically don't need to use inheritance in JS.

Tell me - is it cleaner to devolve functionality into representations that can 
be decorated onto any object - and you test the functionality itself? Or to 
HAVE to inherit from class A in order to get the features if class A? You can't 
do multiple inheritance in AS - so you have to hack around with interfaces and 
utils or you must repeat yourself.

In JS - just decorate what you need with what you need it to do.

It's all good bro. I'm just saying that as a seasoned flex dev that feared 
moving to JS - in my experience - it was an easy transition.  But whatever. 
Have a great day!

And I accept the apology you certainly forgot to add by calling me a manager 
:). I realize it's hard to be civil when someone is wrong on the internet.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 18, 2014, at 9:50 AM, 
"<> [flexcoders]"

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-18 Thread Dan Pride [flexcoders]
Being its my 12th language I don't find JS that difficult.
I object to the design tho.
Its a completely inferior and unpredictable design approach.
My primary interests are relational database, complex relationships.
having classes etc that enable you to deal with the entire screen as a unit is 
Look there is a good reason that google is on its third try to replace 
javascript with something better.
If the movement of flash native to the browser succeeds then its eventually 
going to be game over.
Its basics. Can you relate every pixel on the screen in one unified equation 
and morph it at will mathematically.
By the way, I haven't looked lately, been knee deep in other stuff, how is the 
flash to the browser native going anyway?
Dan Pride
1-206-313-4607 Mobile

On Monday, August 18, 2014 4:07 PM, "Scott Fanetti 
[flexcoders]"  wrote:

Wow - I really don't think this is the forum for character assassination. I've 
been a polyglot developer and architect for 20 years.  One thing in technology 
is constant - that is change.  

Adapt.  It is childish to cling to a technology like a fanboy.  

Dynamic languages use different paradigms than strongly typed languages.  In 
these contexts functional styles and extension through composition are favored 
over extension through inheritance.  But these are all just tools for 
communication between the dev and the user.  

The users have chosen a route that no longer needs flex/flash. That is neither 
good nor bad - it just is.  

You may dislike parts of technology A and think it's inferior to technology B - 
but have you considered the notion that possibly you may be trying I hammer 
nails with a saw? You may dislike that JS does not have the type safety of AS. 
But if you are relying on type checking you are missing the boat. The compiler 
can't check if your logic is bad. It can only check that something like tab a 
is in slot b. 

You still have to unit test. All the skills you bring to solve a problem are 
only marginally helped by the compiler bitching that a class does not have a 
method to support an interface.  There is nothing inherently bad about 
prototypical inheritance as opposed to class based inheritance. As a matter of 
fact you typically don't need to use inheritance in JS.  

Tell me - is it cleaner to devolve functionality into representations that can 
be decorated onto any object - and you test the functionality itself? Or to 
HAVE to inherit from class A in order to get the features if class A? You can't 
do multiple inheritance in AS - so you have to hack around with interfaces and 
utils or you must repeat yourself.  

In JS - just decorate what you need with what you need it to do.  

It's all good bro. I'm just saying that as a seasoned flex dev that feared 
moving to JS - in my experience - it was an easy transition.  But whatever. 
Have a great day!

And I accept the apology you certainly forgot to add by calling me a manager 
:). I realize it's hard to be civil when someone is wrong on the internet.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 18, 2014, at 9:50 AM, " [flexcoders]" 

>> js is almost exactly like Actionscript.
>Typical of a JS advocate, no real knowledge of object oriented structures and 
>concepts. Bet this is by another manager type that doesn't know an array from 
>a variable (actually that WOULD be the same level of knowledge in this case 
>wouldn't it.)

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-18 Thread John Hall [flexcoders]
Think the person was simply referring to the vocabulary and syntax, since
they're both based on the ECMA standards. Not sure it deserved an ad
hominem attack. It's a pretty accurate statement that someone who knows
ActionScript won't be baffled by JS.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:50 AM, [flexcoders] <> wrote:

> > js is almost exactly like Actionscript.
> Typical of a JS advocate, no real knowledge of object oriented structures
> and concepts. Bet this is by another manager type that doesn't know an
> array from a variable (actually that WOULD be the same level of knowledge
> in this case wouldn't it.)

John Hall

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-18 Thread Scott Fanetti [flexcoders]
Wow - I really don't think this is the forum for character assassination. I've 
been a polyglot developer and architect for 20 years.  One thing in technology 
is constant - that is change.  

Adapt.  It is childish to cling to a technology like a fanboy.  

Dynamic languages use different paradigms than strongly typed languages.  In 
these contexts functional styles and extension through composition are favored 
over extension through inheritance.  But these are all just tools for 
communication between the dev and the user.  

The users have chosen a route that no longer needs flex/flash. That is neither 
good nor bad - it just is.  

You may dislike parts of technology A and think it's inferior to technology B - 
but have you considered the notion that possibly you may be trying I hammer 
nails with a saw? You may dislike that JS does not have the type safety of AS. 
But if you are relying on type checking you are missing the boat. The compiler 
can't check if your logic is bad. It can only check that something like tab a 
is in slot b. 

You still have to unit test. All the skills you bring to solve a problem are 
only marginally helped by the compiler bitching that a class does not have a 
method to support an interface.  There is nothing inherently bad about 
prototypical inheritance as opposed to class based inheritance. As a matter of 
fact you typically don't need to use inheritance in JS.  

Tell me - is it cleaner to devolve functionality into representations that can 
be decorated onto any object - and you test the functionality itself? Or to 
HAVE to inherit from class A in order to get the features if class A? You can't 
do multiple inheritance in AS - so you have to hack around with interfaces and 
utils or you must repeat yourself.  

In JS - just decorate what you need with what you need it to do.  

It's all good bro. I'm just saying that as a seasoned flex dev that feared 
moving to JS - in my experience - it was an easy transition.  But whatever. 
Have a great day!

And I accept the apology you certainly forgot to add by calling me a manager 
:). I realize it's hard to be civil when someone is wrong on the internet.  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 18, 2014, at 9:50 AM, " [flexcoders]" 
>  wrote:
> > js is almost exactly like Actionscript.
> Typical of a JS advocate, no real knowledge of object oriented structures and 
> concepts. Bet this is by another manager type that doesn't know an array from 
> a variable (actually that WOULD be the same level of knowledge in this case 
> wouldn't it.)

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-18 Thread Wemerson Couto Guimarães [flexcoders]
Hi all.

Try Wakanda JS and be happy & forgot flash/flex and etc. It's Ann
All-on-one solution: http server, NoSql database, JS framawork for frontend
and backend and have an amazing RAD tool for HTML5 UI design an much
more... And it's extremely well documented anos have lotes of videos 4 free

Ser in:
Em 18/08/2014 10:50, " [flexcoders]" <> escreveu:

> > js is almost exactly like Actionscript.
> Typical of a JS advocate, no real knowledge of object oriented structures
> and concepts. Bet this is by another manager type that doesn't know an
> array from a variable (actually that WOULD be the same level of knowledge
> in this case wouldn't it.)

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-18 Thread Juan Carlos Pérez [flexcoders]
Excelent idea Alex, thanks for sharing.

Juan Carlos Perez

> On Aug 17, 2014, at 2:00, "Alex Harui [flexcoders]" 
>  wrote:
> Well, I don't know if Flash will return to being the solution for UI design.  
> With all of the various mobile browsers, I don't know if Flash will be able 
> to run in all of them.
> But Flex, on the other hand, could.  That's what I'm trying to make happen 
> with FlexJS.  FlexJS won't control every pixel like you could in Flash (at 
> least, certainly not early versions), but it should provide the other 
> benefits that folks have found missing, mainly in terms of developer 
> productivity.
> Yes, Flex isn't as popular as it was before Adobe donated it to Apache.  
> Adobe was spending serious money on getting folks to use Flex.  But every 
> day, some other product or idea goes viral without million-dollar marketing 
> schemes.  So, if you like Flex, take a look at FlexJS and tell us on the 
> Apache Flex dev list ( what it needs before you'll start 
> recommending it to others such that it can go viral.  IOW, you have to do 
> your own marketing if you want to see more Flex jobs, and you have to help 
> shape Flex and/or FlexJS into something worth marketing.  No big company is 
> going to do that for you.
> FlexJS isn't out to compete against HTML5.  In fact, it is simply out to 
> leverage it.  As I've been working on FlexJS and talking to Flex folks who 
> are now developing in some JS framework, it is becoming clear to me that any 
> application developer using any framework is really just attaching components 
> together.   There is a longer version of what I'm about to write on the 
> Apache Flex LinkedIn discussion group,  but basically, the problem with JS is 
> that you can attach anything to anything.  Newer languages (TypeScript, DART) 
> have constructs to try to catch those mistakes.  ActionScript can do an even 
> better job, especially for really big apps.  And MXML gives you a schematic 
> of your components.
> These days, I'm hoping to find folks who can help those of us working on 
> FlexJS prove that AS and MXML can make you more proficient at attaching 
> nearly any JS framework's components together.  Then someday,  it won't 
> matter what JS framework your client wants to use, you'll use MXML and 
> ActionScript to assemble that JS framework's components into an application 
> and make fewer mistakes along the way.  But that someday will come sooner if 
> folks can contribute their time and energy to the project.
> If you can help out, send an email to
> -Alex
> From: " [flexcoders]" 
> Reply-To: "" 
> Date: Saturday, August 16, 2014 8:39 AM
> To: "" 
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex
> The original authors must be going nuts, in deep depression at least.
> They climbed mount everest to the pinnacle of human interface design and did 
> it in a universally accessible way. At the bottom line if you can't 
> mathematically relate every single pixel on the screen to every other one, 
> over time, you are by definition  inferior to flash.
> While I am currently working in Php/Mysql/ with Ajax on top due to the nature 
> of the project (absolute universal access), I think there is still hope. More 
> are taking flash to the browser native. Very smart move. If the standards are 
> there it will in time  inevitably dominate. To save face it will probably be 
> called some "great new tech" called "bonzoshow" or something :) 
> Everybody literally freaked out at jobs' dying statement, jumped on the "it 
> won't run mobile" and like a herd of lemmings everybody dove for the exits. 
> Well mobile was si! ngle core then its quad and more now. Flash was and will 
> be again I think a universal solution to absolutely superior user interface 
> design. Pixel by Pixel over time. A growing morphing button is a single 
> mathematics equation, not an unpredictable herd of objects clattering around 
> in an approximation.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-18 Thread [flexcoders]
> js is almost exactly like Actionscript. Typical of a JS advocate, no real 
> knowledge of object oriented structures and concepts. Bet this is by another 
> manager type that doesn't know an array from a variable (actually that WOULD 
> be the same level of knowledge in this case wouldn't it.)

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-17 Thread Barry Gold [flexcoders]
On 8/16/2014 6:35 PM, Scott Fanetti [flexcoders] 
> Luckily - js is almost exactly like Actionscript. Anybody that is good 
> at AS can write JS in no time. 
If you don't mind working in a language that:

a) Doesn't have type declarations for variables, arguments, and function 
return values

b) Has no built-in syntax for classes and objects.  You have to build a 
template object and assign all the functions as "attributes" of the 

c) Doesn't have the enormous library of built-in classes that comes with 
AS2 or AS3.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-16 Thread Alex Harui [flexcoders]
Well, I don't know if Flash will return to being the solution for UI design.  
With all of the various mobile browsers, I don't know if Flash will be able to 
run in all of them.

But Flex, on the other hand, could.  That's what I'm trying to make happen with 
FlexJS.  FlexJS won't control every pixel like you could in Flash (at least, 
certainly not early versions), but it should provide the other benefits that 
folks have found missing, mainly in terms of developer productivity.

Yes, Flex isn't as popular as it was before Adobe donated it to Apache.  Adobe 
was spending serious money on getting folks to use Flex.  But every day, some 
other product or idea goes viral without million-dollar marketing schemes.  So, 
if you like Flex, take a look at FlexJS and tell us on the Apache Flex dev list 
( what it needs before you'll start recommending it to 
others such that it can go viral.  IOW, you have to do your own marketing if 
you want to see more Flex jobs, and you have to help shape Flex and/or FlexJS 
into something worth marketing.  No big company is going to do that for you.

FlexJS isn't out to compete against HTML5.  In fact, it is simply out to 
leverage it.  As I've been working on FlexJS and talking to Flex folks who are 
now developing in some JS framework, it is becoming clear to me that any 
application developer using any framework is really just attaching components 
together.   There is a longer version of what I'm about to write on the Apache 
Flex LinkedIn discussion group,  but basically, the problem with JS is that you 
can attach anything to anything.  Newer languages (TypeScript, DART) have 
constructs to try to catch those mistakes.  ActionScript can do an even better 
job, especially for really big apps.  And MXML gives you a schematic of your 

These days, I'm hoping to find folks who can help those of us working on FlexJS 
prove that AS and MXML can make you more proficient at attaching nearly any JS 
framework's components together.  Then someday,  it won't matter what JS 
framework your client wants to use, you'll use MXML and ActionScript to 
assemble that JS framework's components into an application and make fewer 
mistakes along the way.  But that someday will come sooner if folks can 
contribute their time and energy to the project.

If you can help out, send an email to


From: " [flexcoders]">>
Reply-To: "">>
Date: Saturday, August 16, 2014 8:39 AM
To: "">>
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

The original authors must be going nuts, in deep depression at least.

They climbed mount everest to the pinnacle of human interface design and did it 
in a universally accessible way. At the bottom line if you can't mathematically 
relate every single pixel on the screen to every other one, over time, you are 
by definition inferior to flash.
While I am currently working in Php/Mysql/ with Ajax on top due to the nature 
of the project (absolute universal access), I think there is still hope. More 
are taking flash to the browser native. Very smart move. If the standards are 
there it will in time inevitably dominate. To save face it will probably be 
called some "great new tech" called "bonzoshow" or something :)
Everybody literally freaked out at jobs' dying statement, jumped on the "it 
won't run mobile" and like a herd of lemmings everybody dove for the exits. 
Well mobile was si! ngle core then its quad and more now. Flash was and will be 
again I think a universal solution to absolutely superior user interface 
design. Pixel by Pixel over time. A growing morphing button is a single 
mathematics equation, not an unpredictable herd of objects clattering around in 
an approximation.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-16 Thread Scott Fanetti [flexcoders]
I built the Rosetta Stone user interface in flex and the EA Pogo flex games 
interface and online store were also built by me. I was using flash when it was 
the Futuresplash player. I was a very early adopter. 

Adobe F'd it in the A  by mismanaging the technology that WAS really great.  
But - time goes on and you change technologies.  I wrote a ton of Lingo in 
director too - along with vbscript for IE only interfaces. I've had my share of 
dead end technologies.  Technologies rise and fall - a good dev realizes it's 
all pretty much the same from tech to tech - the syntax changes but the 
patterns are transferable. 

Now though - there is no justifiable reason to do any development in flex.  
Adobe has given up on it. It is not going to be a viable platform for the 

Luckily - js is almost exactly like Actionscript. Anybody that is good at AS 
can write JS in no time. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 16, 2014, at 8:22 PM, " [flexcoders]" 
>  wrote:
> I notice you don't compare it to your prior experience developing user 
> interfaces in flash?

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-16 Thread David Adams [flexcoders]
> like promises - that were never really implemented in Flex/flash.
> Like what specifically?

Try this:

Re: [flexcoders] Future Scope of Flex

2014-08-16 Thread Carlos Rovira [flexcoders]
4 years after the promise that HTML5 will change the world and will
suppress any other technology for web sites and web applications, we don't
see that happens. Flash is not dead, Flex is not dead and HTML/JS is
getting some difficulties in the last 4 - 6 months to continue its growth
as it was in later years.

Maybe it's because people are tired of waiting a real change in HTML/JS
stack and it's tools? seeing that they continue without getting the tools
and facilities they had years ago with Flex and Flash? I don't know, but we
can see lots of signals out there:

* ActionScript 3 entering again in TIOBE list of 20 most used programming
languages. I think latest week it climbed again to 17th position.

* Adobe AIR getting more that 1 Billion apps installed (right now 1.8
Billion) in all desktop and mobile devices all over the world

* Apache Flex getting lots of momentum with many people working on bug
fixing and releases (near every month there's a new Apache Flex release)

* The new framework FlexJS to use Flash or HTML/JS that continues

* HTML5 video is still crap and is still key technology in Google and

* Adobe AIR strategy to "code once and run in every desktop and mobile
device" is widely adopted (since Flex Apps running in Safari Mobile, the
only scenario where Flash can not be deployed is not important anymore
since people prefer Native Apps than Mobile Browser Apps, and Adobe AIR
with Flex is a great solution for this purpose).

In TIC, many people is getting frustrated of HTML and they are coming back
to Flex again, since all the marketing buzz is now vanishing and they see
that there's no productivity like before when you switch from Flex to HTML.

Flex is not the king anymore since there's other options out there, HTML,
native,  but is still a very valid technology to make Apps for desktop
and mobile, and for many the best.

My own way of thinking is use each tech for what they were made for. So use
HTML for web sites and marketing online (wordpress, and the myriad of other
html techs out there), and use Flex for Application development for desktop
and mobile (with Adobe AIR).

For me using HTML to build apps or using Flex to build web sites is a wrong

Adobe said it will cost 5 years to HTML...well after 4 years and still
nothing in the horizon that could us think that promise could be real, I
think we have Flex for several more years still ahead.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Problem with Flash 13

2014-05-17 Thread edgardo [flexcoders]
en  AS3 / Flex

var urlExcelExport:String =  "";;
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var bytes:ByteArray = myPDF.savePDF(Method.LOCAL);
var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlExcelExport);
u.contentType = "application/octet-stream";
u.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = bytes;

en PHP el create.php

funciona ok

2014-05-16 19:27 GMT-03:00 [flexcoders] <>:

> Also this thread:


Re: [flexcoders] Problem with Flash 13

2014-05-16 Thread John Hall [flexcoders]
Might check this out:

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 6:44 AM, Jairo França [flexcoders]

> After updating to Flash player 13 I'm receiving the following error:
> SecurityError: Error #3769: Security sandbox violation: Cannot send HTTP
> headers when using navigateToUrl().
> Any idea?
> Thanks
> ---
> Este email está limpo de vírus e malwares porque a proteção do avast!
> Antivírus está ativa.

John Hall

Re: [flexcoders] Chart Horizontal axis length

2014-03-12 Thread sony antony
Hello John, what is the exact context you are looking for? That would help 
anyone to answer you correctly.

On Friday, 3 May 2013 3:48 AM, John  wrote:
How can I determine the length of the Horizontal Axis of a Chart.
I know how to get the width of the Chart.
What I am looking for is the length or width of the Horizontal Axis.
Thank you, this has really stumped me.


Re: [flexcoders] Designing custom buttons

2014-03-12 Thread sony antony
You can achieve this using Rect with gradient fills, and again use Rect with 
gradient fills for border too.

On Tuesday, 24 September 2013 5:40 AM, A. P. Damien  wrote:
[Attachment(s) from A. P. Damien included below]
I'm designing a game. I want to model the user interaction after "Cream 
Babysitting Adventure" by Aval0nX.  So the menu at the start of the game 
will resemble CrStartMenu.png, and the choices and responses will 
resemble CrChoices.png.

So I'm talking about button-like things made out of a dark-gray (#888) 
horizontal bar with a black border around it and white text, with the 
whole thing at somewhere around 50% alpha.

Game responses will be white on a colored background with a light-gray 
border.  I don't think I can duplicate the peculiar shading effect that 
makes the edges of the response look slightly raised, like molding at 
the top and bottom of a wallboard wall, so I'll just use something that 
shades from light gray at the inner edge to a darker gray at the outer edge.

Now... I know how I'd build this in the Flash IDE: a button made of 
three images that I can put the text on.  But how to do it in Flex/AS3?

I looked at the AS3 documentation for SimpleButton, and it looks like I 
can give it any four DisplayObject (Off, On, Down, Test).  At first I 
thought of using a Shape, where I can simply draw the rectangle and 
specify the fill color (bgColor argument to beginFill) and line color 
(borderColor argument to linestyle).  But then... what about the text?

So now I'm thinking I need some sort of DisplayObjectContainer, right? 
Or maybe even a Sprite?  Then I can add the Shape first, and then a 
label or some such text object, right?

If I add successive DisplayObjects to a VGroup, they go from top to 
bottom, but if I add DisplayObjects to a Sprite they layer from back to 
front, right?

Or is there a simpler way to do this that I'm not seeing?

See the below link for examples on how to use gradients

Re: [flexcoders] Whay are too many itemrenderers being created?

2014-02-20 Thread edgardo
El 14/02/2014 03:34, "Chris Velevitch" 
>  jiihk
> I'm using Flex yooyo witkh gAir 4.0 to create a mobile appbupui.iyo.yoyoyo
> I have a spark list with a custom mxml itemRenderer. Only 4 instances
will be visible in the list. The dataprovider is initially hluu
> When I assign the arrayp collection with an array of 14b7 items, I get
147 traces on dataChange event and on the render event. I traced out the
value of 'this' and I get 147 unique objects.
> I was under the impression that only 4 instances of the itemRenderer will
be created and get reused as I scroll through the list.
> What have I overlooked?
> The list is defined as:-
> change="lImagesChange(event)" itemRenderer="PhotoThumbNail"
> doubleClickEnabled="true" doubleClick="showImage(event)">
> and the itemRenderer is defined as:-
>  xmlns:fx="";
> xmlns:s="library://"
> dataChange="onDataChange(event)"uouojiyo
> render="onRender(event)"
> width="150"hlyo height="175"up
> hlup
> --
> Chris
> --
> Chris Velevitch
> Manager - Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
> m: 0415 469 095
> Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
> Topic: TBD
> Date: Monday, 28th February
> Details and RSVP on
El 14/02/2014 03:34, "Chris Velevitch"  escribió:
> I'm using Flex 4.11 with Air 4.0 to create a mobile app.
> I have a spark list with a custom mxml itemRenderer. Only 4 instances
will be visible in the list. The dataprovider is initially empty.
> When I assign the array collection with an array of 147 items, I get 147
traces on dataChange event and on the render event. I traced out the value
of 'this' and I get 147 unique objects.
> I was under the impression that only 4 instances of the itemRenderer will
be created and get reused as I scroll through the list.
> What have I overlooked?
> The list is defined as:-
> change="lImagesChange(event)" itemRenderer="PhotoThumbNail"
> doubleClickEnabled="true" doubleClick="showImage(event)">
> and the itemRenderer is defined as:-
>  xmlns:fx="";
> xmlns:s="library://"
> dataChange="onDataChange(event)"
> render="onRender(event)"
> width="150" height="175"
> >
> --
> Chris
> --
> Chris Velevitch
> Manager - Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
> m: 0415 469 095
> Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
> Topic: TBD
> Date: Monday, 28th February
> Details and RSVP on

Re: [flexcoders] Original application files lost

2014-02-19 Thread Tom McNeer
Hi Alex,

Yes, I think you're right. Not a pretty process, but most likely the best
bet. Thanks for the suggestion.

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Alex Harui  wrote:

> It is painful but theoretically possible to reconstruct MXML from the
> generated AS.
>  It is also possible to get MXMLC to build a SWF from the generated AS,
> but there are some downstream issues:  If you ever change this code and it
> requires changes to generated code like CSS, the compiler will not do the
> right thing.  Therefore it is best to try to get back to MXML.
>  In your original post, you said that file recovery tools found older
> versions of files.  I'm suggesting running these older files through MXMLC
> with -keep-generated-actionscript and comparing the results with what the
> decompiler saw in the final version.  The differences should show you what
> you need to modify in the older versions to bring them up to current.
>  HTH,
> -Alex
>   From: Tom McNeer 
> Reply-To: "" 
> Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:24 PM
> To: "" 
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Original application files lost
> Hi Alex,
>  Yes, it was a fairly standard, though large, Flex 3.6 application. Some
> of the decompilers seem able to resurrect .mxml files (but not mine,
> clearly); I understand there's a problem with local variable names.
>  I never kept the generated actionscript files because (obviously
> incorrectly) I thought my version control and backup routines were solid.
> So there's nothing there to compare. And if there had been, they'd be gone,
> too, unless I had placed them somewhere completely different.
>  So unless there's a way to resurrect the project from the current .as
> files produced the the JPEXS Free Flash Compiler, a better working
> decompiler is my only hope short of rebuilding things from docs and
> observation.
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Alex Harui  wrote:
>>  I assume this was a Flex app with MXML files?
>>  BTW, I don't think the de-compilers will resurrect local variable names.
>>  I would suggest starting from both ends and working towards the middle.
>>  If you use the -keep-generated-actionscript option in the MXMLC compiler,
>> it should create a folder called "generated" in the output folder.
>>  Comparing that to what the decompiler found for those same files might
>> help you figure out what modifications need to go into whatever versions of
>> the source you currently have.
>>  HTH,
>> -Alex
>>  --
>> *From:*  on behalf
>> of Tom McNeer 
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 19, 2014 7:55 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Original application files lost
>> Hi,
>>  I won't go into the gory details, but despite backups and version
>> control systems, the source files for a very important application were
>> trashed. The files are not recoverable from version control.
>>  After much work with file recovery tools, most of the original files
>> were restored. But many of them are versions that are several generations
>> back in terms of revisions.
>>  Obviously, this is a bit of a disaster.
>>  I have attempted to decompile the current application with the tools
>> from SoThink and Trellix. In both cases, the decompiler crashed, using both
>> Windows and Mac versions of both applications. Trellix development has
>> reproduced the problem and say they will out it on a bug list.
>>  Which doesn't help much right now, obviously.
>> I have also attempted decompiling the application with the open source
>> JPEXS Free Flash Compiler. This appeared to work, in that nothing crashed
>> and I was able to export lots of files.
>>  These files - even if they're correct - are all ActionScript, I assume
>> the intermediate AS files that the compiler creates as it works.
>>  I have created an ActionScript project from those files and attempted
>> compilation. But evidently the relationships of the classes are somehow
>> lost. The compiler appears to only look at the file which represents the
>> core of the original Flex application file, and errors out immediately.
>>  Thus, short of trying to reproduce lots of code, with lots of logic,
>> from documentation and the running application, I don't know what to try
>> next.
>>  Obviously, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
>>  --
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
>> Tom McNeer
>> MediumCool
>> 1735 Johnson Road NE
>> Atlanta, GA 30306
>> 404.589.0560
>  --
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Tom McNeer
> MediumCool
> 1735 Johnson Road NE
> Atlanta, GA 30306
> 404.589.0560



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

Re: [flexcoders] Original application files lost

2014-02-19 Thread Alex Harui
It is painful but theoretically possible to reconstruct MXML from the generated 

It is also possible to get MXMLC to build a SWF from the generated AS, but 
there are some downstream issues:  If you ever change this code and it requires 
changes to generated code like CSS, the compiler will not do the right thing.  
Therefore it is best to try to get back to MXML.

In your original post, you said that file recovery tools found older versions 
of files.  I'm suggesting running these older files through MXMLC with 
-keep–generated-actionscript and comparing the results with what the decompiler 
saw in the final version.  The differences should show you what you need to 
modify in the older versions to bring them up to current.


From: Tom McNeer>>
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:24 PM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Original application files lost

Hi Alex,

Yes, it was a fairly standard, though large, Flex 3.6 application. Some of the 
decompilers seem able to resurrect .mxml files (but not mine, clearly); I 
understand there's a problem with local variable names.

I never kept the generated actionscript files because (obviously incorrectly) I 
thought my version control and backup routines were solid. So there's nothing 
there to compare. And if there had been, they'd be gone, too, unless I had 
placed them somewhere completely different.

So unless there's a way to resurrect the project from the current .as files 
produced the the JPEXS Free Flash Compiler, a better working decompiler is my 
only hope short of rebuilding things from docs and observation.

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Alex Harui>> wrote:

I assume this was a Flex app with MXML files?

BTW, I don't think the de-compilers will resurrect local variable names.

I would suggest starting from both ends and working towards the middle.  If you 
use the -keep-generated-actionscript option in the MXMLC compiler, it should 
create a folder called "generated" in the output folder.  Comparing that to 
what the decompiler found for those same files might help you figure out what 
modifications need to go into whatever versions of the source you currently 


-Alex<>>> on behalf of 
Tom McNeer>>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 7:55 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Original application files lost


I won't go into the gory details, but despite backups and version control 
systems, the source files for a very important application were trashed. The 
files are not recoverable from version control.

After much work with file recovery tools, most of the original files were 
restored. But many of them are versions that are several generations back in 
terms of revisions.

Obviously, this is a bit of a disaster.

I have attempted to decompile the current application with the tools from 
SoThink and Trellix. In both cases, the decompiler crashed, using both Windows 
and Mac versions of both applications. Trellix development has reproduced the 
problem and say they will out it on a bug list.

Which doesn't help much right now, obviously.

I have also attempted decompiling the application with the open source JPEXS 
Free Flash Compiler. This appeared to work, in that nothing crashed and I was 
able to export lots of files.

These files - even if they're correct - are all ActionScript, I assume the 
intermediate AS files that the compiler creates as it works.

I have created an ActionScript project from those files and attempted 
compilation. But evidently the relationships of the classes are somehow lost. 
The compiler appears to only look at the file which represents the core of the 
original Flex application file, and errors out immediately.

Thus, short of trying to reproduce lots of code, with lots of logic, from 
documentation and the running application, I don't know what to try next.

Obviously, any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

Re: [flexcoders] Original application files lost

2014-02-19 Thread Alex Harui
Check the doc.  There is either a keep=true flag or you can add



From: Barry Gold>>
Reply-To: "<>">>
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 11:55 AM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Original application files lost

On 2/19/2014 10:59 AM, Alex Harui wrote:
> I would suggest starting from both ends and working towards the middle.
> If you use the -keep-generated-actionscript option in the MXMLC
> compiler, it should create a folder called "generated" in the output
> folder. Comparing that to what the decompiler found for those same files
> might help you figure out what modifications need to go into whatever
> versions of the source you currently have.

How do you turn on -keep-generated-actionscript using ant? I think
that would help me a lot in debugging my output -- once I get it to
compile, that is.

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >