Bob and others,

my apologies - I found the problem which has been as expected originated 
"between the headphones". The reason was an abnormal low buffer setting of 64 
at the DSP Tab ... please forgive me.

73 - Klaus, DK7XL

---Ursprüngliche Nachricht---
From: "Klaus Lohmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Robert McGwier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"FlexRadio" <>
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] 1.3.10 and now 1.3.11  image rejection on transmit

Bob and others,

let me remind that also the AGC in my setup with versions starting 1.3.9a is 
almost not working and that the TX-signal is completely out of the TX-filter 
limits. My setup: 3-board-stack, Delta44 (no preamp, no addditional 
soundcard)XP, SP2 

My second 3-board-stack is running Audigy2 ZS - using 1.3.9a/10/12 with no 

To demonstrate and compare the TX signals using 1.3.8 and 1.3.12 (both Delta44) 
please have a look at the pictures shot from my second SDR. The TX is almost 
quite, only random noise in the shack is driving. TX-filter limits are 
identical (170Hz - 3000Hz). You may notice the brickwall shape in 1.3.8 and the 
carrier that can be easily identified.  

73 - Klaus, DK7XL

"Robert McGwier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Klaus and others:
> We ran extensive tests.  On the wave file player, on the air,  everywhere.
> There is not a single thing we could do to reproduce the image problem.
> With the SDR-1000 transmitting 1W and the Elecraft K2 right next to it,
> the main energy lobe is S8-S9.  The opposite sideband is not hearable.
> Eric ran the tests in the lab.  We simply cannot reproduce this in anyway.
> I used both a four board stack and a 3 board stack that is waiting for
> me to upgrade (Tom Clark's).
> Try to record a wave file of the test signal and let me play it.
> Bob
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