I am using SVN 854, and the CW monitor tone is high.  When I clicked 
on a station, his received signal comes to my transmit line on the 
panadapter screen.  My CW pitch pitch is set at 600Hz.  My 
transmitter tone in my monitor is not the same as the received tone; 
I estimate it to be somewhere from 800 to 1200 Hz.  I'm using CWU; 
filter settings 3K or 1K.  However, when I asked the station I was 
working if I was zero beat with him, he said yes.  So I think it is 
the monitor tone and not the transmitter frequency, based on a sample 
of one.  I haven't tracked down what is happening yet.  Any one else 
notice a similar happening?  SVN 853 fixed a zero beat problem in the 
RIT, but my RIT is set on zero.  I checked PowerSDR v1.8.0 with the 
same conditions, the monitor tone is 600 when the CW tone of 600Hz is set.

73,  Chas W1CG

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