You're not hallucinating Jim. I was listening to RTTY this morning and
noticed the same latency with VAC only it got up to ~3 sec. No amount of
buffer diddling would fix it, VAC off/on was the only temporary cure.

Also, Advanced PA Calibration is broke.

73, Steve - K5FR
SDR1k - D44 - WinXPsp2 - svn1633

-----Original Message-----
Jim McLester

SDR1k - FA66 - WinXPsp2 svn1635

Interesting phenomena (to me anyway)

Using VAC to add speech processing seems to work well now.

However, after a period of time the latency appears to increase to about 
1 second. Clicking VAC off, then back on sets the latency back to a 
hundred ms. or so for a while. I must be hallucinating.  Seems strange.

Jim - W4YXU

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