Thanks for  the responses to my inquiry and the comments on LOGic 8&9.  I
will research some of the programs that have been mentioned and see if I can
find one that fits my requirements.



John N8WNA



From: John Swink [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 5:03 PM
To: Flexradio Reflector (
Subject: Logging programs


The recent discussion about logging programs got me thinking about computer
logging again.  Many years ago I used LOGic 4 for logging contacts but quit
using it since I operated from two fixed locations and mobile and had a
computer at only one fixed location.  I now have a computer that I can use
at all locations and am considering computer logging again.

LOGic is now at version 9.  Has anyone had any experience using LOGic with
PowerSDR and what is your experience with it?


I need a logging program for general contacts, contesting, awards tracking
(HF/VUHF) and LOTW with tracking from each location I operate from.  I have
been unable to locate anything on the internet that compares the features,
versatility and ease of use of other logging programs that are currently
available.  Does anyone know if such a comparison exists or the pros and
cons of the existing logging software?


Thanks for your assistance.



John N8WNA


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