Hi Flexers

We all talking about top Radios and so on. But, what about the high 
local noise level we all have from any kind of electrical or electronic 
equipments like Plasma TV Sets or even Powerline Communication. So whats 
the need of such high ranking sets if the noise level is up to S4 or 
higher. Not everybody can build a Antennafarm.
I myself are suffering from such noise, but I am able to eliminate it 
with a US built MFJ Noise Canceler. The unit is rather simple. I just 
hooked up a simple second Antenna to the Noise Canceler, who is able to 
pick up the local noise. Then I can adjust the  phase and  am to 95% 
able to reduce the noise floor and can pick up very weak signals, which 
without the Canceler would not be possible.
I wonder why no Radio Manufacturer like Icom Yaesu or Kenwood or now 
Flexradio never built suche a simple gadget right into their unit. But 
spending lots of money to built DS, Roofing Filters etc. for perhaps 
once very usefull on a remont DX Expetition, but what about the normal 
Ham in big towns.
Flex Team could you please give a close look to such a idea.

73 Chris HB9BDM


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