I might as well throw this into the mix too.  I live in both the Windows
and Linux worlds.  More so in the Windows world, because...er..well..it
breaks more and I have made a wonderful living fixing broken Windows
infrastructure stuff.

I have both Linux and Windows machines in the shack, but have no real
desire to run gunradio under Linux.  I have a very keen interest in
running the DSP code in the Linux environment and the GUI on Windows, as
I suspect other do as well.  I know this functionality is a bit down the
road, but when factoring in parameters making the Linux distro decision,
please keep in mind those less savvy Linux users that will want two
distinct " user packages".  One that installs the distro, a windows
manager and the binaries on a machine with a GUI UI and one that install
the distro (which is optimized for speed - extraneous things removed)
and binaries on a machine without a windows manager so that most of its
processing power is dedicated to crunching numbers.  This may be two
different distros; each best matched for the role the box is playing in
your SDR "infrastructure".

Tim Ellison <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Integrated Technical Services <http://www.itsco.com/>  
Apex, NC USA
919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
919.215.6375 - cell
Skype: kg4rzy

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