Hi.  data/Aircraft/737/737-set.xml was changed from v1.5 to v1.6 in
an effort to get a first shot at contrails working.  However, it also
changed the starting fuel in the fuel tanks from:

     <tank n="0">
!      <level-gal_us archive="y">1540</level-gal_us>
     <tank n="1">
!     <level-gal_us archive="y">1540</level-gal_us>
     <tank n="2">
!     <level-gal_us archive="y">0</level-gal_us>


     <tank n="0">
!      <level-gal_us archive="y">149</level-gal_us>
     <tank n="1">
!     <level-gal_us archive="y">149</level-gal_us>
     <tank n="2">
!     <level-gal_us archive="y">149</level-gal_us>

. . .giving the 737 about 20-30 minutes of flying time.  I'd submit a
patch to change it back, but maybe there's something going on here and
this is a necessary change for now?


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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