I had a chance this week to fly a MIDG-II in my university's Sig Rascal 110. The MIDG-II is a combination gps/ins/imu type deal that outputs both position (gps) as well as gyro/acclerometer based attitude (roll, pitch, yaw.) It can also output magnetometer readings as well as velocities and raw accelerations. It's a neat toy for doing UAV type stuff: http://www.microboticsinc.com/midg.html

We connected the serial output of the MIDG via a radio modem link to a laptop on the ground which let us monitor the flight in real time and captured the binary data stream.

Today I whipped up a little program to load and parse the binary data and feed it into FlightGear

The MIDG dumps out position at 5 hz, and attitude at 50hz. This is more than enough to capture a lot of the subtle nuances of the real flight ... dutch rolls, aileron rolls, loops, slips, jittery thumbs, wind gusts, etc. can all be seen in the resulting replay.

I might be the only one here who's had a chance to play around with one of these, but if anyone else has one or has something similar, it's kind of neat to pump the data into flightgear and watch the flight from inside a virtual cockpit, or from a chase view.


Curtis Olson        http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
HumanFIRST Program  http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
FlightGear Project  http://www.flightgear.org
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